An iOS Image picker for URL based images
- Xcode 5 or higher
- Apple LLVM compiler
- iOS 7.0 or higher
To install via CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile.
pod 'EMWebImagePicker'
All you need to do is drop 'EMWebImagePicker' files into your project.
Create an array of either NSURL's or NSStrings.
NSArray *urls = @[@"",
[NSURL URLWithString:@""],
[NSURL URLWithString:@""],
[NSURL URLWithString:@""],
[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
Then create an instance of the EMWebImagePickerViewController and initialise using either blocks or assigning a delegate to recieve the callbacks from the selection process.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
EMWebImagePickerViewController *webImagePicker = [[EMWebImagePickerViewController alloc] initWithURLs:self.urls];
webImagePicker.delegate = self;
#pragma mark - EMWebImagePickerViewControllerDelegate Methods
- (void)webImagePicker:(EMWebImagePickerViewController *)picker didChooseIndicies:(NSArray *)selectedIndicies {
// Celebrate.
[picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)webImagePickerDidCancel:(EMWebImagePickerViewController *)picker {
// Cancelled.
[picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
EMWebImagePickerViewController *webImagePicker = [[EMWebImagePickerViewController alloc] initWithURLs:self.urls completed:^(EMWebImagePickerViewController *picker, NSArray *selectedIndicies) {
[picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
// Do something to celebrate the completion.
} cancelled:^(EMWebImagePickerViewController *picker) {
[picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
Set the type of picker you wish to use and present the view controller modally.
webImagePicker.type = EMWebImagePickerTypeSingle
webImagePicker.type = EMWebImagePickerTypeMultiple;
webImagePicker.type = EMWebImagePickerTypeMultipleDeselect;
[self presentViewController:webImagePicker animated:YES completion:nil];
The callbacks recieve an array of NSNumber containing the indexs of the selected items from the original array of URL's created.
For more information, please see the example to see a simple use case.