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create an arbitrary number of orangefs servers and io500 clients in gcloud

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This repo contains two scripts:

  • script

The first, script, is a tool to launch a GCP environment that consists of OrangeFS servers and clients that are pre-configured for the IO500 benchmark. It is written in Bash. Optionally, the IO500 benchmark can be set to run automatically upon environment creation.

The second,, is a Python script that utilizes Google's Python bulk API to create a set of instances. It is used by the main bash script but can also be run as a standalone tool to launch instances without configuring them for OrangeFS or IO500.


These instructions assume the following already exist:

  • Google Cloud Account
  • Google Cloud Project
  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket

Getting Started

  1. Install Prerequisites

    sudo dnf install -y nc perl

    NOTE: Most systems come with Perl pre-installed but may not have the modules required by the pvfs2-genconfig script. Installing via the command above installs perl and all of its modules/dependencies. If your system has a pre-installed version and you wish to install only the modules that are strictly necessary, use the following command instead:

    sudo dnf install -y nc perl-Term-ReadLine perl-Getopt-Long perl-Math-BigInt perl-FindBin
  2. Install pvfs2-genconfig

    NOTE: If you are on a system that has OrangeFS installed, you can skip this step as long as the pvfs2-genconfig script is located in /usr/bin/. If you wish to install OrangeFS, follow the instructions in the OrangeFS documentation and then skip to Step 3.

    If you are not running on a system with OrangeFS installed, use the following commands to download and install the pvfs2-genconfig script:

    curl -O
    sudo mv pvfs2-genconfig /usr/bin/
    chmod 755 /usr/bin/pvfs2-genconfig
  3. Install Required Python Packages

    NOTE: It is recommended (though not required) to do this inside a Python virtual environment (see

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install Google Cloud SDK and gcloud

  5. Set Application Default Credentials

    NOTE: This step can be skipped if either of the following is true:

    • You are running the script from a Google Compute Engine virtual machine.
    • You have disabled the bulk-create feature in script and do not plan to use as a standalone script.

    Run the following command and follow the instructions:

    gcloud auth application-default login

    You will be asked to log into your Google Cloud account and copy a verification code. This sets up the credentials needed to authenticate Google client API calls.

  6. Setup SSH Keys

    The instances launched by the script use metadata-based SSH keys, so in order to communicate with them, the machine running the script needs to have the private key corresponding to a public key that has been added to your Google Cloud project. You can create a new key pair or use an existing one for this purpose. Follow Google's instructions to learn how to Add SSH Keys to Project Metadata.

    Depending on your environment and the name of your key pair, you may need to ensure the ssh-agent is running and the corresponding identity has been added to it. To start the agent and add an identity, use the following commands:

    eval `ssh-agent -s`
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/<KEY_FILE>

    ... where <KEY_FILE> is the name of the private key corresponding to the public key you added to your project metadata.

  7. Set Config Options

    There are several options in the script that can be changed to configure your Google Cloud settings and customize your environment and how IO500 is run. See Configurable Script Options below for more details.

  8. Run script


    NOTE: This will create instances and a resource policy (if enabled) in your Google Cloud project. Be sure to delete these when you are done with them to avoid unnecessary charges to your account. See Cleaning Up.

Results and IO500

When the script is finished, your instances will be running in your Google Cloud project. You should be able to connect to them using the SSH key you added to your project metadata. Assuming your account has the necessary access for the resources you requested, you should have the specified number of server and client instances, with an OrangeFS filesystem distributed across the servers and each client instance running as an OrangeFS client.

IO500 Clients

Each client has three distinct io500 directories corresponding to each flavor of MPI:

  • /home/io500_vanilla/io500
  • /home/io500_openmpi/io500
  • /home/io500_intel/io500

Within each is an io500 executable that has been compiled for that version of MPI. If you configured the script to automatically run IO500 by setting OB_RUN_IO500, this is also where you will find the IO500 results directory.

NOTE: You may notice a file is also in this directory. However, that is the default script from the IO500 repo, NOT the script you may have customized and uploaded to the bucket specified by the OB_BUCKET option. By default, your custom script and .ini configuration file are located here:

  • /var/tmp/
  • /var/tmp/config-custom.ini

See OB_BUCKET below for more information about these files.

Running IO500 Manually

If you did not set OB_RUN_IO500, you can run it manually after the instances have been launched. However, before doing so you will need to configure the environment for your desired flavor of MPI by running a setup script. As a reminder, the following commands should be run on the first IO500 client instance.

For vanilla MPI (a.k.a. MPICH), run:

. /home/io500_vanilla/

For OpenMPI, run:

. /home/io500_openmpi/

For Intel MPI, run:

. /opt/intel/oneapi/

Once you have run the setup script, you can then run IO500 using the following commands:

cd /home/io500_<MPI_TYPE>/io500
chmod u+x /var/tmp/
/var/tmp/ /var/tmp/config-custom.ini

... where <MPI_TYPE> is either vanilla, openmpi, or intel.

Cleaning Up

The script will create a number of server and client instances in your Google Cloud project. If the configuration option OB_PLACEMENT_POLICY is set, one or more resource policies will also be created. To avoid incurring unwanted charges to your Google Cloud account or cluttering up your project with unused policies, be sure to delete these resources when you are finished with them.

Deleting Instances

Google Compute Engine instances can be deleted through the Google Cloud Console. If you prefer the command line, it can be done using the gcloud CLI as follows:

gcloud compute instances delete <INSTANCE_NAME>

You can specify multiple instance names, separated by spaces, to delete more than one at a time.

Deleting Resource Policies

Unlike instances, resource policies cannot be deleted from the Google Cloud Console, so the gcloud CLI must be used.

You can list the resource policies in your project with the following command:

gcloud compute resource-policies list

To delete a policy, copy the policy name from the output of the above command, then use the delete command:

gcloud compute resource-policies delete <POLICY_NAME>

Configurable Script Options

Option Name Description
OB_REGION Name of GCP region to launch instances in
OB_ZONE Name of GCP zone to launch instances in
OB_MPI_TYPE Version of MPI to use ("intel", "openmpi", or "vanilla")
OB_SLOTS Number of slots (processors) per MPI host
OB_RUN_IO500 Set to 1 to run IO500 upon environment creation
OB_BUCKET Google Cloud Storage bucket containing config files (see below)
OB_OFS_NAME String to begin all server names with
OB_IO500_NAME String to begin all client names with
OB_OFS_SERVERS Number of OrangeFS server instances to launch
OB_IO500_CLIENTS Number of IO500 client instances to launch
OB_OFS_MACHINE GCP machine type to use for servers
OB_IO500_MACHINE GCP machine type to use for clients
OB_SSD_NUM Number of local NVMe drives to attach to each server instance
OB_PLACEMENT_POLICY Instance types to apply a compact placement policy to (see below)
OB_POLICY_PREFIX String to begin the resource policy name(s) with
OB_SUBNET Name of subnetwork to launch instances in
OB_NIC_TYPE Set to "GVNIC" if Tier 1 network performance is desired
OB_USE_TIER1_NET Set to 1 if Tier 1 network performance is desired
OB_STARTUP_SCRIPT Local path to a script to run on each instance upon launch

This is not an exhaustive list of available options, but these are the most likely options a new user will first want to change. There are more options that can be used to customize the behavior and performance of the OrangeFS filesystem.


The OB_BUCKET option should be set to the gsutil URI of a Google Cloud Storage bucket containing at least the following two files:

  • a valid IO500 script
  • config-custom.ini: a valid IO500 configuration file

See for more information on the IO500 script and .ini configuration file.


If OB_PLACEMENT_POLICY is set, the script will create a compact placement policy and apply it to the specified instances. It must be set to one of the following strings:

  • NONE (or empty string) - do not create a placement policy
  • CLIENTS - create a single policy for IO500 clients only
  • SERVERS - create a single policy for OFS servers only
  • SEPARATE - create two policies, one for servers and one for clients


create an arbitrary number of orangefs servers and io500 clients in gcloud






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