DevShell is a custom developer shell for Windows
- Open a PowerShell window and run the following:
mkdir C:\dev
git clone C:\dev\shell
Install-Package Pscx -source PSGallery
Install-Package GitHub -source chocolatey
Install-Package ConEmu -source chocolatey
- Run ConEmu
- Under Settings > Startup > Tasks create a new Task:
- Name: DevShell
- Command:
*powershell.exe -NoLogo -MTA -NoExit -File C:\dev\shell\DevShell.PowerShell_profile.ps1
- Set it as Default shell
- Under Settings > Startup > Specified named task select
- Save settings and Pin ConEmu to Task Bar
Tip: When you open DevShell, press Ctrl+Shift+E to open a second shell on the side.
- Visual Studio Code:
- Notepad2-mod: Alias
in the shell opens notepad. We recommend running Notepad2-mod's executable setup that replaces notepad.