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Solve unsolved class constraints during whnf
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This requires some changes to the normalisation machinery and to the

* The whnf function is now parameterised by how it should handle
unsolved class constraints. When typechecking, this parameter is the
class instance elaborator.
* The class instance elaborator is now parameterised by what it should
do with constraints it still didn't manage to solve. When normalising,
we want to keep the constraints as the `UnsolvedConstraint` global,
since it allows the type of the constraint to contain bound variables.
When generalising, we want to (like before) make the constraints `Exist`
metavars, such that they are picked up as free vars that can be

Fixes #48.

The elaboration during normalisation will not take into account local
constraints (e.g. stemming from `MyClass a =>` constraints in a type
signature), but I believe this is not necessary since those constraints
are still unknown and will not reduce further anyway. So I think it's OK
to leave those for the full elaboration pass. (I might be wrong
  • Loading branch information
ollef committed Oct 31, 2017
1 parent 1b6b5fb commit b4968e8
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Showing 11 changed files with 184 additions and 107 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Backend/SLam.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import qualified Syntax.Sized.SLambda as SLambda
import VIX

slamSized :: AbstractM -> VIX LambdaM
slamSized e = SLambda.Anno <$> slam e <*> (slam =<< whnf' True =<< typeOf e)
slamSized e = SLambda.Anno <$> slam e <*> (slam =<< whnfExpandingTypeReps =<< typeOf e)

slam :: AbstractM -> VIX LambdaM
slam expr = do
Expand All @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ slam expr = do
Abstract.Global g -> return $ SLambda.Global g
Abstract.Lit l -> return $ SLambda.Lit l
Abstract.Pi {} -> do
t <- whnf' True $ Abstract.Global Builtin.PiTypeName
t <- whnfExpandingTypeReps $ Abstract.Global Builtin.PiTypeName
slam t
Abstract.Lam h p t s -> do
t' <- whnf' True t
t' <- whnfExpandingTypeReps t
v <- forall h p t'
e <- slamSized $ instantiate1 (pure v) s
rep <- slam t'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ slam expr = do
let scope' = abstract abstr body
return $ SLambda.Let ds' scope'
Abstract.ExternCode c retType -> do
retType' <- slam =<< whnf' True retType
retType' <- slam =<< whnfExpandingTypeReps retType
c' <- slamExtern c
return $ SLambda.Anno (SLambda.ExternCode c') retType'
modifyIndent pred
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ slamBranches (ConBranches cbrs) = do
let vs = fst <$> tele'
abstr = teleAbstraction vs
t = instantiateTele pure vs s
trep <- slam =<< whnf' True t
trep <- slam =<< whnfExpandingTypeReps t
v <- forall h p t
return (v, TeleArg h p $ abstract abstr trep)
let vs = fst <$> tele'
Expand All @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ slamExtern (Extern lang parts)
= fmap (Extern lang) $ forM parts $ \part -> case part of
ExternPart str -> return $ ExternPart str
ExprMacroPart e -> ExprMacroPart <$> slamSized e
TypeMacroPart t -> TypeMacroPart <$> (slam =<< whnf' True t)
TypeMacroPart t -> TypeMacroPart <$> (slam =<< whnfExpandingTypeReps t)
TargetMacroPart m -> return $ TargetMacroPart m

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Builtin/Names.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ pattern BuiltinModuleName <- ((==) "Sixten.Builtin" -> True) where BuiltinModule

pattern UnsolvedConstraintName :: QName
pattern UnsolvedConstraintName <- ((==) "Sixten.Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint" -> True) where UnsolvedConstraintName = "Sixten.Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint"
pattern UnsolvedConstraint :: Expr v -> Expr v
pattern UnsolvedConstraint typ = App (Global UnsolvedConstraintName) Explicit typ

pattern IntName :: QName
pattern IntName <- ((==) "Sixten.Builtin.Int" -> True) where IntName = "Sixten.Builtin.Int"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Frontend/Declassify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ deinstance qname@(QName modName name) loc (PatInstanceDef methods) typ = located
, loc
, TopLevelPatDefinition
$ PatDefinition
$ pure
$ Clause mempty
Expand Down
164 changes: 97 additions & 67 deletions src/Inference/Class.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ import Data.Vector(Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Void

import qualified Builtin.Names as Builtin
import Inference.Monad
import qualified Inference.Normalise as Normalise
import Inference.Subtype
import Meta
import Syntax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,39 +48,35 @@ withVars
withVars xs b = foldr withVar b xs

:: Exists Plicitness Expr
-> MetaA
-> Infer AbstractM
elabUnsolvedConstraint ref var = do
let typ = metaType var
case typ of
(appsView -> (Global className, _)) -> do
-- Replace existentials in typ with universals
(uniType, uniVarMap) <- universalise typ
-- Try subsumption on all instances of the class until a match is found
globalClassInstances <- gets $ HashMap.lookupDefault mempty className . vixClassInstances
-- TODO universalise localInstances
localInstances <- asks constraints
let candidates = [(Global g, vacuous t) | (g, t) <- globalClassInstances]
<> localInstances
matchingInstances <- forM candidates $ \(inst, instType) -> tryMaybe $ do
f <- subtype instType uniType
f inst
case catMaybes matchingInstances of
[] -> do
let result = pure var
logMeta 25 "No matching instance" result
return result
matchingInstance:_ -> do
-- Elaborate any constraints introduced by the matching instance
elabInstance <- elabExpr matchingInstance
-- Replace the universals from before with the original existentials
result <- deuniversalise uniVarMap elabInstance
solve ref result
logMeta 25 "Matching instance" result
logMeta 25 "Matching instance typ" typ
return result
_ -> throwLocated "Malformed constraint" -- TODO error message
:: (AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM)
-> AbstractM
-> Infer (Maybe AbstractM)
elabUnsolvedConstraint mkConstraint typ = case typ of
(appsView -> (Global className, _)) -> do
-- Replace existentials in typ with universals
(uniType, uniVarMap) <- universalise typ
-- Try subsumption on all instances of the class until a match is found
globalClassInstances <- gets $ HashMap.lookupDefault mempty className . vixClassInstances
-- TODO universalise localInstances
localInstances <- asks constraints
let candidates = [(Global g, vacuous t) | (g, t) <- globalClassInstances]
<> localInstances
matchingInstances <- forM candidates $ \(inst, instType) -> tryMaybe $ do
f <- subtype instType uniType
f inst
case catMaybes matchingInstances of
[] -> do
logVerbose 25 "No matching instance"
return Nothing
matchingInstance:_ -> do
-- Elaborate any constraints introduced by the matching instance
elabInstance <- elabExpr mkConstraint matchingInstance
-- Replace the universals from before with the original existentials
result <- deuniversalise uniVarMap elabInstance
logMeta 25 "Matching instance" result
logMeta 25 "Matching instance typ" typ
return $ Just result
_ -> throwLocated "Malformed constraint" -- TODO error message

-- | Replace existentials in typ with universals and return the mapping from
-- the new variables to the old existentials.
Expand All @@ -102,96 +100,109 @@ deuniversalise rtl = bindM go
go v = return $ pure $ fromMaybe v $ HashMap.lookup v rtl

:: MetaA
:: (AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM)
-> MetaA
-> Infer AbstractM
elabVar var@MetaVar { metaRef = Exists ref } = do
elabVar mkConstraint var@MetaVar { metaRef = Exists ref } = do
sol <- solution ref
case (sol, metaData var) of
(Left _, Constraint) -> elabUnsolvedConstraint ref var
(Left _, Constraint) -> do
mresult <- elabUnsolvedConstraint mkConstraint $ metaType var
case mresult of
Nothing -> mkConstraint $ metaType var
Just result -> do
solve ref result
return result
(Left _, Implicit) -> return $ pure var
(Left _, Explicit) -> return $ pure var
(Right expr, _) -> elabExpr expr
elabVar var@MetaVar { metaRef = Forall } = return $ pure var
elabVar var@MetaVar { metaRef = LetRef {} } = return $ pure var
(Right expr, _) -> elabExpr mkConstraint expr
elabVar _ var@MetaVar { metaRef = Forall } = return $ pure var
elabVar _ var@MetaVar { metaRef = LetRef {} } = return $ pure var

:: AbstractM
:: (AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM)
-> AbstractM
-> Infer AbstractM
elabExpr expr = do
elabExpr mkConstraint expr = do
logMeta 40 "elabExpr expr" expr
modifyIndent succ
result <- case expr of
UnsolvedConstraint typ -> do
v <- exists mempty Constraint typ -- TODO maybe we don't need the var here?
elabVar v
Var v -> elabVar v
Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint typ -> do
mresult <- elabUnsolvedConstraint mkConstraint typ
case mresult of
Nothing -> mkConstraint typ
Just result -> return result
Var v -> elabVar mkConstraint v
Global g -> return $ Global g
Con c -> return $ Con c
Lit l -> return $ Lit l
Pi h p t s -> absCase Pi h p t s
Lam h p t s -> absCase Lam h p t s
App e1 p e2 -> App <$> elabExpr e1 <*> pure p <*> elabExpr e2
Let ds scope -> elabLet ds scope
Case e brs t -> Case <$> elabExpr e <*> elabBranches brs <*> elabExpr t
ExternCode ext t -> ExternCode <$> mapM elabExpr ext <*> elabExpr t
App e1 p e2 -> App <$> go e1 <*> pure p <*> go e2
Let ds scope -> elabLet mkConstraint ds scope
Case e brs t -> Case <$> go e <*> elabBranches mkConstraint brs <*> go t
ExternCode ext t -> ExternCode <$> mapM go ext <*> go t
modifyIndent pred
logMeta 40 "elabExpr result" result
return result
go = elabExpr mkConstraint
absCase c h p t s = do
t' <- elabExpr t
t' <- go t
v <- forall h p t'
let e = instantiate1 (pure v) s
e' <- enterLevel $ withVar v $ elabExpr e
e' <- enterLevel $ withVar v $ go e
s' <- abstract1M v e'
return $ c h p t' s'

:: LetRec Expr MetaA
:: (AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM)
-> LetRec Expr MetaA
-> Scope LetVar Expr MetaA
-> Infer (Expr MetaA)
elabLet ds scope = do
elabLet mkConstraint ds scope = do
vs <- forMLet ds $ \h _ t -> do
t' <- elabExpr t
t' <- elabExpr mkConstraint t
forall h Explicit t'
let abstr = letAbstraction vs
ds' <- iforMLet ds $ \i h s _ -> do
let e = instantiateLet pure vs s
e' <- elabExpr e
e' <- elabExpr mkConstraint e
s' <- abstractM abstr e'
return $ LetBinding h s' $ metaType $ vs Vector.! i
let expr = instantiateLet pure vs scope
expr' <- elabExpr expr
expr' <- elabExpr mkConstraint expr
scope' <- abstractM abstr expr'
return $ Let (LetRec ds') scope'

:: Branches QConstr Plicitness Expr MetaA
:: (AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM)
-> Branches QConstr Plicitness Expr MetaA
-> Infer (Branches QConstr Plicitness Expr MetaA)
elabBranches (ConBranches cbrs) = do
elabBranches mkConstraint (ConBranches cbrs) = do
cbrs' <- forM cbrs $ \(ConBranch qc tele brScope) -> do
vs <- forTeleWithPrefixM tele $ \h p s vs -> do
let t = instantiateTele pure vs s
t' <- withVars vs $ elabExpr t -- TODO: This is a bit inefficient
t' <- withVars vs $ elabExpr mkConstraint t -- TODO: This is a bit inefficient
forall h p t'
let brExpr = instantiateTele pure vs brScope
brExpr' <- withVars vs $ elabExpr brExpr
brExpr' <- withVars vs $ elabExpr mkConstraint brExpr
let abstr = teleAbstraction vs
tele' <- Telescope
<$> mapM (\v -> TeleArg (metaHint v) (metaData v) <$> abstractM abstr (metaType v)) vs
brScope' <- abstractM abstr brExpr'
return $ ConBranch qc tele' brScope'
return $ ConBranches cbrs'
elabBranches (LitBranches lbrs def) = LitBranches
<$> mapM (\(LitBranch l br) -> LitBranch l <$> elabExpr br) lbrs
<*> elabExpr def
elabBranches mkConstraint (LitBranches lbrs def) = LitBranches
<$> mapM (\(LitBranch l br) -> LitBranch l <$> elabExpr mkConstraint br) lbrs
<*> elabExpr mkConstraint def

:: Definition Expr MetaA
-> AbstractM
-> Infer (Definition Expr MetaA)
elabDef (Definition i a e) _
= Definition i a <$> elabExpr e
= Definition i a <$> elabExpr mkConstraintVar e
elabDef (DataDefinition (DataDef constrs) rep) typ = do
typ' <- zonk typ
let params = telescope typ'
Expand All @@ -202,10 +213,10 @@ elabDef (DataDefinition (DataDef constrs) rep) typ = do
let abstr = teleAbstraction vs
constrs' <- withVars vs $ forM constrs $ \constr -> forM constr $ \s -> do
let e = instantiateTele pure vs s
e' <- elabExpr e
e' <- elabExpr mkConstraintVar e
abstractM abstr e'

rep' <- elabExpr rep
rep' <- elabExpr mkConstraintVar rep
return $ DataDefinition (DataDef constrs') rep'

Expand All @@ -214,10 +225,13 @@ elabRecursiveDefs
elabRecursiveDefs defs
= enterLevel
$ forM defs $ \(v, def, typ) -> do
typ' <- elabExpr typ
typ' <- elabExpr mkConstraintVar typ
def' <- elabDef def typ'
return (v, def', typ')

mkConstraintVar :: AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM
mkConstraintVar = fmap pure . exists mempty Constraint

:: HashSet MetaA
-> Infer ()
Expand All @@ -244,3 +258,19 @@ mergeConstraintVars = void . foldlM go mempty
_ -> return $ Map.insert typ v varTypes

go varTypes _ = return varTypes

whnf :: AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM
whnf = Normalise.whnf' Normalise.WhnfArgs
{ Normalise.expandTypeReps = False
, Normalise.handleUnsolvedConstraint
= elabUnsolvedConstraint
$ return . Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint

whnfExpandingTypeReps :: AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM
whnfExpandingTypeReps = Normalise.whnf' Normalise.WhnfArgs
{ Normalise.expandTypeReps = True
, Normalise.handleUnsolvedConstraint
= elabUnsolvedConstraint
$ return . Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Inference/Class.hs-boot
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Inference.Class where

import Inference.Monad
import Meta

whnf :: AbstractM -> Infer AbstractM
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions src/Inference/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Inference.Monad where

import Control.Monad.Reader

import qualified Builtin.Names as Builtin
import Meta
import Syntax
import Syntax.Abstract
import VIX

type Polytype = AbstractM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,9 +58,6 @@ existsVar
-> Plicitness
-> AbstractM
-> Infer AbstractM
existsVar _ Constraint typ = return $ UnsolvedConstraint typ
existsVar _ Constraint typ = return $ Builtin.UnsolvedConstraint typ
existsVar h Implicit typ = pure <$> exists h Implicit typ
existsVar h Explicit typ = pure <$> exists h Explicit typ

pattern UnsolvedConstraint :: Expr v -> Expr v
pattern UnsolvedConstraint typ = App (Global Builtin.UnsolvedConstraintName) Explicit typ

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