This repository contains example projects showing how to implement some of Stripe's features using the Java programming language.
These example projects illustrate how to create a charge.
- stripe-charge-spark1 uses the Spark framework version 1.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.7.
- stripe-charge-spark2 uses the Spark framework version 2.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.8 and later.
These example projects illustrate how to create a charge with Plaid.
- stripe-charge-plaid-spark1 uses the Spark framework version 1.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.7.
- stripe-charge-plaid-spark2 uses the Spark framework version 2.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.8 and later.
These example projects illustrate how to create a charge with 3D-Secure.
stripe-charge-3ds-spark1 uses the Spark framework version 1.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.7.stripe-charge-3ds-spark2 uses the Spark framework version 2.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.8 and later.
These examples use an old API that is no longer available. You should now use the sources API to implement 3D Secure. Examples coming soon.
These example projects illustrate how to implement a Stripe webhooks endpoint.
- example-stripe-java7-webhook uses the Spark framework version 1.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.7.
- example-stripe-java8-webhook uses the Spark framework version 2.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.8 and later.
These example projects illustrate how to implement Stripe's OAuth flow to connect standalone accounts to a platform.
- stripe-oauth-spark1 uses the Spark framework version 1.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.7.
- stripe-oauth-spark2 uses the Spark framework version 2.x and is suitable for use with Java 1.8 and later.