I'm a collective intelligence researcher and a director at the Institute for the Future of Work (IFOW). My research at UCL STEaPP and IFOW focuses on the intersection of AI, public policy, and collective intelligence, with a particular focus on the impact of AI on the labour market from a socio-technical perspective.
- AI Policy - I'm focused on examining AI innovation systems and how they are changing from a socio-technical perspective, through the use of innovation mapping and scientometric methodologies.
- Future of Work - Exploring how AI and automation is impacting work, workers and the labour market. This draws on my previous experience as Head of Innovation and Skills at the Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT), where my team lead on cross-government policy and analysis related to the future of work.
- Responsible AI - Researching privacy-preserving technologies, algorithmic governance, and impact assessments. I have worked on the development of privacy-preserving technologies, including the open-source and non-profit Covid Watch project, which published the world's first privacy-preserving and centralised protocol for contact tracing, later adopted by Apple and Google as part of the GAEN protocol, and used by the NHS. I subsequently worked for NHSX and Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) as Head of Future Planning during the pandemic.
- Thomas, A. and Nash, O. (2024) ‘Introducing the Workplace Algorithmic Impact Assessment as an AI Governance System’, in the Handbook of AI Impact Assessments, Oxford University Press.
- Nash, O. (2024) A Socio-technical Innovation Systems (STIS) analysis framework: examining interactions between the AI innovation system and societal impacts on the UK workforce. The Pissarides Reivew into the Future of Work and Wellbeing - Working Paper.
- Thomas, A., Nash, O., Rohenkohl, B., and Clarke, J. (2024) The Disruption Index - Renewing the UK’s Innovation Ecosystem, Institute for the Future of Work.
- Von Arx, S., Becker-Mayer, I., Blank, D., Colligan, J., Fenwick, R., Hittle, M., Ingle, M., Nash, O., Nguyen, V., Petrie, J. and Schwaber, J., 2020. Slowing the Spread of Infectious Diseases Using Crowdsourced Data. IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 43(2), pp.71-82.
- Flourish: An AI skills pathways and future of work platform designed to help individuals and organisations navigate job pathways through technological transitions, supported by socio-technical research from the Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing
- Assembly: A deliberative platform designed to facilitate engagement with stakeholders with respect to complex, value-laden policy challenges through collective intelligence and new participatory governance methdologies.
- Collective Analytics: A tool leveraging natural language processing and machine learning to analyse collective decision-making.
- Email: oliver [at] ifow [dot] org
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/olivernash
- Twitter: @olivernash
If you're interested in collaborating on research, policy work or any of the projects above, feel free to reach out.