Setup easily a linux dst server with you own settings via docker
When you will run the container, there will be a cluster volume for world generation and cluster settings and mods. Inside that volume, you can put the configurations as they are described on other websites link this one :
Here is my list of files to give you an idea :
-- cluster.ini
-- cluster_token.txt
-- Caves
---- modoverrides.lua
---- server.ini
---- worldgenoverride.lua
-- Master
---- modoverrides.lua
---- server.ini
---- worldgenoverride.lua
If your container does not start that means config is wrong ! Check out logs to debug your config ;)
docker run -ti -v cluster:/dst/cluster jamendub/dst:latest
Inside the cluster volume you can setup a mods directory. You can put 2 files to configure and enable mods that will be copied during startup in their correct spot (the /dst/mods directory). Here is an example of my files (for detailed config go to the game forums/wikis) :
-- mods
---- dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua
---- modoverrides.lua
If your container does not start that means config is wrong ! Check out logs to debug your config ;)
Simply restart the container.
Built on top of jamendub/steam which already packages steamcmd Automatically installs dependencies : libcurl4-gnutls-dev:i386 lib32stdc++6 Also creates a volume for the cluster config and save file at : /dst/cluster Populates it with a dummy config that you can easily edit following instructions on the Klei Forums. Copies a bash script to install server from Steam CMD and start it when you run the container.