Mediawiki extension to convert BibTeX files to SQLite databases and search engine queries to SQL queries.
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- Mediawiki >= 1.23
To populate a SQLite database with a collection of BibTeX files:
php updatedb.php -o bibliography.db file1.bib file2.bib
To read specific entries from a SQLite database:
php dumpdb.php bibliography.db einstein1905 einstein1906
To run the testsuite:
php test/test_tex2html.php
php test/test_db.php
If the BibTeX files are version-controlled in a git repository,
database generation can be automatized with a post-receive
such as:
read commit_old commit_new branch_name
if [ "${branch_name}" != "refs/heads/main" ]; then
echo "Only changes committed to the main branch are copied to the wiki!" >&2
echo "You have sent changes for ${branch_name}." >&2
echo "Skipping." >&2
exit 0
echo "Copying changes to the wiki... Please wait." >&2
result=$(curl -Ls --data old=${commit_old} --data new=${commit_new} \
--data branch=${branch_name} --data repo=$(realpath "${PWD}") \
if [ "${result}" != "Success" ]; then
echo "An error occured while copying to the wiki:" >&2
echo ${result} >&2
exit 1
echo "Successfully copied changes to the wiki." >&2
exit 0
To set up the BibTeX search engine in the wiki, copy the contents of the
project to /path/to/mediawiki/extensions/ExternBib
and copy the database
file(s) to /path/to/mediawiki/extensions/ExternBib/work
To show citations, use <bibentry>einstein1905a, einstein1905b</bibentry>
The comma is optional and can be replaced with a whitespace or newline character.
To show search results, use <bibsearch>author=einstein</bibsearch>
The following properties are supported:
: show abstractbibtex="true"
: show raw BibTeXcompact="true"
: don't insert line breaks between paragraphsmeta="true"
: add BibTeX timestamp, owner and citation keyfilelink="true"
: add links to filesfullentrylink="true"
: add link to full entry
All records in the database(s) can be dynamically accessed via special
subpages. For example, to display einstein1905a, open subpage
The database(s) can be queries in the special page Special:ExternBibSearch
There is a radio button to select the database to query. The query takes the
form author=einstein and title="Wärme" and year<1906
where "=" is handled
as "contains". The search is case-insensitive and diacritics-insensitive.
Only the "and" logical operator is implemented.
[BSD 3-clause "Modified" License]( New BSD License) (C) The Authors, unless stated otherwise.