#Pre-compilation Kindly add Twitter credentials to TwitterMessageProcessor#authentication method.
The code was compiled with jdk1.8.0_211 (However any Jdk8 version will be fine).
To compile kindly run the following:-
For Windows:- gradlew clean build For linux :- ./gradlew clean build
To execute kindly do the following on the console:-
- Change directory to Flyht_Tweet_Service/build/libs (i.e cd Flyht_Tweet_Service/build/libs)
- java -jar tweets-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- supply the 5 topics
- Tweets can be viewed in separate files in ${user.home}/Tweets folder (i.e a file is created in each topic name)
Assumptions for execution:- a) The ${user.home}/Tweets folder is always recreated at every program startup.