Version 2.3.0
134 commits
to master
since this release
- Regenerate code using the open API spec v2.9.1.
- Allow next for all requests
- Allow upload files within FormData
- Add updateOrgLogo operation to Org resource (Org appeared in v2.2.0)
- Allow custom SSL Context settings
New resources:
- Brand
New models:
- AccessPolicy
- AccessPolicyConstraint
- AccessPolicyConstraints
- AccessPolicyRule
- AccessPolicyRuleActions
- AccessPolicyRuleApplicationSignOn
- AccessPolicyRuleConditions
- AccessPolicyRuleCustomCondition
- AuthenticatorProvider
- AuthenticatorProviderConfiguration
- AuthenticatorProviderConfigurationUserNamePlate
- Brand
- ChannelBinding
- Compliance
- DeviceAccessPolicyRuleCondition
- EmailTemplateTouchPointVariant
- EndUserDashboardTouchPointVariant
- ErrorPageTouchPointVariant
- FipsEnum
- ImageUploadResponse
- KnowledgeConstraint
- PossessionConstraint
- PreRegistrationInlineHook
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicy
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRule
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleAction
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleActions
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleActivationRequirement
- ProfileEnrollmentPolicyRuleProfileAttribute
- RequiredEnum
- SignInPageTouchPointVariant
- Theme
- ThemeResponse
- UserTypeCondition
- UserVerificationEnum
- VerificationMethod