24 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Fix DPoPInterceptor when called after retry (#1536) by @arvindkrishnakumar-okta in #1552
- Fix DPoPInterceptor thread-safety (#1534) by @arvindkrishnakumar-okta in #1551
- Fix issue with OAuth2 access token refresh by @arvindkrishnakumar-okta in #1555
- Missing JsonWebKey.setX5c() method in 18.0.0 #1547
- listGroupUsers() ignores the search option. #1554
- Default configurations are not loaded from okta.properties resource file #1556
- Upgrade to OASv3 2024.08.3 by @arvindkrishnakumar-okta in #1558
- Update README.md by @arvindkrishnakumar-okta in #1559
Full Changelog: okta-sdk-root-18.0.0...okta-sdk-root-19.0.0