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Okta IDX - Golang


❕ The use of this SDK requires usage of the Okta Identity Engine. This functionality is in general availability but is being gradually rolled out to customers. If you want to request to gain access to the Okta Identity Engine, please reach out to your account manager. If you do not have an account manager, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

This library is built for projects in Golang to communicate with Okta as an OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect provider. It works with Okta's Identity Engine to authenticate and register users.

To see this library working in a sample, check out our Golang Sample Applications.

Release status

This library uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's Library Version Policy.

Version Status
0.x Beta

The latest release can always be found on the releases page.

Need help?

If you run into problems using the SDK, you can

Getting started


You will need:

  • An Okta account, called an organization. (Sign up for a free developer organization if you need one)
  • Access to the Okta Identity Engine feature. Currently, an early access feature. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Install current release

To install the Okta IDX SDK in your project:

  • Create a module file by running go mod init
    • You can skip this step if you already use go mod
  • Run go get This will add the SDK to your go.mod file.
  • Import the package in your project with import ""

Usage Guide

The embedded authentication with SDK sample application provides an example making use of the IDX SDK.

Create the Client

Create a client as implemented in the sample application's server.

Default Client

Default client will load settings from configuration file (okta.yaml) followed by environment variables, if any are set. Environment variables will override the configuration file. See the section Configuration Reference

idx, err := idx.NewClient()

Client configured with setters

Setters will override any settings previously set on the underlying default client.

idx, err := idx.NewClientWithSettings(
		idx.WithScopes([]string{"openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access"}),

Login with convenient authentication options

Once login has been initialized the login response provides mechanisms for various authentication factors.

// establish context here, or use context from/within a caller
ctx := context.TODO()

client, err := idx.NewClient()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("new client error: %+v\n", err)

authOpts := idx.AuthenticationOptions{
	UserName: os.Getenv("EXAMPLE_IDENTIFIER"),
	Password: os.Getenv("EXAMPLE_PASSWORD"),

lr, err := client.Authenticate(ctx, &authOpts)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("authentication error: %+v\n", err)

// is authenticated is a convenience method
fmt.Printf("authenticated? %t\n", lr.IsAuthenticated())

// or query the token directly
if lr.Token() == nil {
  // failed to login

// do something, having a token signals identification success

Login with detailed identity request

Once login has been initialized the login response provides mechanisms for various authentication factors.

// establish context here, or use context from/within a caller
ctx := context.TODO()

lr, err := idx.InitLogin(ctx)

// password authentication
ir := &idx.IdentifyRequest{
		Identifier: r.FormValue("identifier"),
		Credentials: idx.Credentials{
			Password: r.FormValue("password"),

lr, err = lr.Identify(ctx, ir)
if err != nil || lr.Token() == nil {
  // failed to login

// do something, having a token signals identification success

In order to provide parity in OIE the following http headers can be used:

ctx := WithXForwardedFor(context.TODO(), "x.x.x.x")
ctx = WithUserAgent(ctx, "me")

lr, err := idx.InitLogin(ctx)


Login via magic link

Authentication interaction can be achieved with a magic link interaction token.

// establish context here, or use context from/within a caller
ctx := context.TODO()

client, err := idx.NewClient()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("new client error: %+v\n", err)

authOpts := idx.AuthenticationOptions{
	ActivationToken: os.Getenv("ACTIVATION_TOKEN"),

lr, err := client.Authenticate(ctx, &authOpts)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("authentication error: %+v\n", err)

if lr.HasStep(idx.LoginStepAuthenticatorEnroll) {
	fmt.Println("response has authenticator enroll")
	fmt.Println("app should redirect users to the enrollment view now")
} else {
	fmt.Println("response didn't have select authenticator enroll remediation")

// do something, having a token signals identification success

Configuration Reference

This library looks for the configuration in the following sources:

  1. An okta.yaml file in a .okta folder in the current user's home directory (~/.okta/okta.yaml or %userprofile%.okta\okta.yaml)
  2. An okta.yaml file in a .okta folder in the application or project's root directory
  3. Environment variables
  4. Configuration explicitly passed to the constructor (see the example in Getting started)

Higher numbers win. In other words, configuration passed via the constructor will override configuration found in environment variables, which will override configuration in okta.yaml (if any), and so on.

Config Properties

Yaml Path Environment Key Description
okta.idx.issuer OKTA_IDX_ISSUER The issuer of the authorization server you want to use for authentication.
okta.idx.clientId OKTA_IDX_CLIENTID The client ID of the Okta Application.
okta.idx.clientSecret OKTA_IDX_CLIENTSECRET The client secret of the Okta Application. Required with confidential clients
okta.idx.scopes OKTA_IDX_SCOPES The scopes requested for the access token. Format yaml: array of values. Format ENV: CSV values
okta.idx.redirectUri OKTA_IDX_REDIRECTURI For most cases, this will not be used, but is still required to supply. You can put any configured redirectUri here.

Debug/Development Properties

Environment Key Description
DEBUG_IDX_CLIENT Using httputil all http requests and responses are println'd to stderr

Yaml Configuration

The configuration could be expressed in our okta.yaml configuration for SDK as follows:

    issuer: { issuerUrl }
    clientId: { clientId }
    clientSecret: { clientSecret }
      - { scope1 }
      - { scope2 }
    redirectUri: { configuredRedirectUri }

Environment Configuration

The configuration could also be expressed via environment variables for SDK as follows:



Check out the examples in the _examples/ directory. Each example illustrates working with the client. They also allow a developer to easily modify the client's code and run it locally. This is useful for working on new features, debugging, etc..