This is a work in progress statefull particles engine running entirely on the GPU and using XNA.
Each particles velocity and position is stored in a texture, and used to update the system.
Particles can follow flowmaps, collide with anything rendered on a texture, be attracted, etc. You con control particles using the mouse or a kinect sensor.
Left mouse button: Attract particles. RightMouse button: Repulse particles. M: Mouse control. K: Kinect control. C: One color for particles. T: Background texture for particles color. V: Color given by the current velocity. F: Postprocess to give a solid/fluid. Backspace: Reset particles. G: Activate text collision. N: Enter a new string. Enter: Validate the new string. 1 - 4: Use CV as collision texture. 5: Use string as collision texture. B: Show buffers datas. S: Activate/Deactivate inertia. Q: Enable/disable gravity. D: Activate/deactivate flowmaps.