The Employee Hub is a platform that allows employees to register, create, read, update, and delete posts on the bulletin board. Additionally, registered users are entered into the employee directory, gaining access to information about other users.
Installation To get started with the Employee Hub, follow these installation steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub:
from initial directory after clone run npm i
Then navigate to the server directory and install dependencies: cd server npm i
Return to the root directory: cd ..
Navigate to the client directory and install dependencies: cd client npm i
Return to the root directory: cd ..
Usage To run the project, execute the following command in the root directory:
npm run start This command uses concurrently to start both the frontend and backend servers concurrently.
After starting the project, access the site features by registering on the site. Once registered, users gain access to the bulletin board and the employee directory. Note that, as a new user, there will be no other users in the project initially.