A wrapper for the API of the League of Legends statistics website champion.gg.
- Newtonsoft.Json
var ChampionGG = new ChampionGG.Api("YOUR API KEY HERE");
var championRoles = await ChampionGG.GetChampion("Taric");
foreach(var role in championRoles)
Console.WriteLine("Taric " + role.Role);
var championList = await ChampionGG.GetBasicChampionList();
foreach (var champion in championList)
string roles = "";
foreach (var role in champion.Roles)
roles += role.Type.ToString() + " ";
Console.WriteLine("{0} Name: \"{1}\", Updated: {2}, Roles: {3}", champion.Key, champion.Name, champion.LastUpdated.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), roles);
var matchupSets = await ChampionGG.GetMatchups("Ashe");
foreach (var matchupSet in matchupSets)
foreach (var matchup in matchupSet.Matchups)
Console.WriteLine("{0} Games: {1}, WinRate: {2}%", matchup.Key, matchup.Games, matchup.WinRate);
var specificMatchups = await ChampionGG.GetMatchup("Orianna", "Xerath");
foreach (var m in specificMatchups)
Console.WriteLine("{0} Games: {1}, WinRate: {2}%", "Orianna vs. Xerath", m.Games, m.WinRate);
var itemSets = await ChampionGG.GetItems("Urgot", DataAspect.MostWins, ItemAspect.Finished);
foreach (var itemSet in itemSets)
Console.WriteLine("Urgot " + itemSet.Role.ToString());
foreach (var item in itemSet.Items)
var skillSets = await ChampionGG.GetSkills("Lux", DataAspect.MostPopular);
foreach (var skillSet in skillSets)
foreach (var skill in skillSet.Order)
var skillInfo = await ChampionGG.GetSkillInfo("Lux");
foreach (var skillKey in new List<string> { "Q", "W", "E", "R" })
var summonerSets = await ChampionGG.GetSummoners("Sion", DataAspect.MostWins);
foreach (var summonerSet in summonerSets)
Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1}: {2} {3}%", summonerSet.Summoner1, summonerSet.Summoner2, summonerSet.Games, summonerSet.WinPercent);
var runeSets = await ChampionGG.GetRunes("Morgana", DataAspect.MostPopular);
foreach (var runeSet in runeSets)
foreach (var rune in runeSet.Runes)
Console.WriteLine("{0}x {1}", rune.Number, rune.Name);
var stats = await ChampionGG.GetStats();
foreach (var champ in stats)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2} Kills", champ.Name, champ.Role, champ.General.Kills);
var stats2 = await ChampionGG.GetStats("Maokai");
foreach (var role in stats2)
Console.WriteLine("Maokai {0}: {1} Deaths", role.Role, role.General.Deaths);
var stats3 = await ChampionGG.GetStats(Role.Middle);
foreach (var champ in stats3.Stats)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2} Gold", champ.Key, champ.Role, champ.General.GoldEarned);
var stats4 = await ChampionGG.GetStats(Role.Jungle, StatsRoleAspect.WorstPerformance);
foreach (var champ in stats4.Stats)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2}% Wins", champ.Key, champ.Role, champ.General.WinPercent);
var stats5 = await ChampionGG.GetStats(StatsAspect.MostBanned);
foreach (var champ in stats5.Stats)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}: {2}% Banrate", champ.Key, champ.Role, champ.General.BanRate);
A detailed documentation can be found here.