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Releases: ohnosequences/nice-sbt-settings

nice-sbt-settings v0.10.1

05 Nov 12:55
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nice-sbt-settings v0.10.0

07 Feb 18:16
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nice-sbt-settings v0.9.0

26 Sep 21:00
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  • #58: Upgraded to sbt to 1.0.2
  • #60: Removed enforced scalatest dependency, once you add it to a project explicitly release-only test tag will be generated automatically
  • #62: Dropped literator plugin dependency and the source-docs generation from the release process
  • #32: Changed default wartremover settings
  • Removed hardcoded scalaVersion, it should be set by sbt defaults
  • Replaced bucketRegion setting with s3region from sbt-s3-resolver

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0

17 Jul 14:15
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  • Major changes:

    • #47: Translated all settings-modules to auto-plugins with proper dependencies between them. They will be enabled automatically, so you can disable some of them explicitly if needed. Plugins that need to be enabled explicitly:
      • The one for Java-only projects: add enablePlugins(JavaOnlySettings) to enable it
      • #39: New StatikaBundleSettings plugin, which adds dependency on Statika (version is configurable with statikaVersion) and uses sbt-buildinfo to generate the artifact metadata for statika bundles. Add enablePlugins(StatikaBundleSettings) to enable it.
    • #45: The new AssemblySettings auto-plugin loads fat-jar related settings automatically, but to publish the generated artifact, you need to add addFatArtifactPublishing(<config>) setting to your build.sbt explicitly (default <config> is Compile).
    • #35: The new VersionSettings auto-plugin sets version setting based on git describe and provides a gitVersion setting returning Version type.
    • #49: Release part was completely reworked and rewritten without using sbt-release. The new release command provides tab-completion for available release versions you can do from the current gitVersion. This makes it much easier to make releases without handling versions manually.
  • Upgrades (#43, #44, #46, #48):

See the full list of the merged pull-requests for this version: v0.8.0 milestone.

Note: This release is identical to 0.8.0-RC5, it has some known issues but is overall stable (it has been used over 5 months without any major problems).

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0-RC5

11 Dec 23:19
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  • #57: Fixed documentation generation bug
  • Fixed milestone to candidate version bump
  • #56: Updated scalatest dependency
  • Updated dependencies

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0-RC4

17 Oct 14:19
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  • Fixed git isDirty check for the API docs: it has to take untracked files into account
  • Changed checkReleaseNotes to prepareReleaseNotes (with renaming)
  • #54: Moved literator docs to the release preparation chain (before the tagging)

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0-RC3

03 Oct 15:30
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This is the third release candidate for the version 0.8.0. Changes since RC2:

  • if you run publishApiDocs twice on the same revision it will fail second time because there are no changes (improved the error message)

  • statika generated metadata object full name now is


    where normalized name is the same as name with underscores replaced by dots (should use name directly)

  • warns on load if version.sbt file is present and tell to remove it

  • moved assembly before artifacts publishing so that if it fails, no artifacts are published at all

  • rearranged release-tests and publishing: first upload fat-jar (if needed), then run release tests, then publish artifacts (it is possible now, because fatJarUpload is not a part of publish)

  • picked up improvements in sbt-github-release v0.4.0

  • updated various plugin dependencies

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0-RC2

11 Aug 23:47
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This is the second release candidate for the version 0.8.0. It contains a lot of fixes since RC1.

For the list of changes since 0.7.0 see the notes for the final release.

nice-sbt-settings v0.8.0-RC1

08 Aug 19:26
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This is the first release candidate for the version 0.8.0. It's feature full, but may be buggy, once it's tested, the final release will be published.

For the list of changes since 0.7.0 see the notes for the final release.

nice-sbt-settings v0.7.0

20 Nov 12:08
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  • General improvements and fixes:
    • #38:
      Added fatArtifactUrl setting key holding the url of the published fat artifact
    • #41:
      Added no-snapshots check (prohibit releases with snapshot dependencies)
    • #33:
      Changed the order of resolvers (org-based resolvers go first)
    • #30:
      Moved testing step before changing the release version (useful when some external tests depend on the artifact version)
  • Upgrades:

See the full list of the merged pull-requests for this version: v0.7.0 milestone.