This is an assignment to the class Softwarearchitektur at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg.
This assignment covers the more advanced multithreading topics futures and future chaining. Futures are a feature of Java 8 and can be compared to the concept of promises in JavaScript.
The internet contains lots of good articles about Future<>
and CompletableFuture<>
in Java.
For example this one covers everything you need to know for this assignment.
This is the Android variant of the assignment. There's also an CLI variant which covers the same concepts. You don't have to implement both! If you want to switch between them you should be able to copy most of the code you already wrote (except a few platform specifics).
Inspect the interface ohm.softa.a11.openmensa.OpenMensaAPI
The method return types have been changed from Call<>
to CompletableFuture<>
, a built-in way to leverage asynchronous programming via futures.
The Spinner
in the given Android application is for selecting the canteen you want to fetch the meals for.
This Spinner
has to be initialized by fetching all canteens the OpenMensa API is aware of.
Therefore the MainActivity
already contains an empty method initCanteensSpinner()
which should fetch all available canteens and put them into the ArrayAdapter<>
instance canteenAdapter
The following flow chart shows how to proceed:
Use the method getCanteens()
of the OpenMensaAPI to retrieve the fist page of canteens (without index).
The future returns an instance of Response<List<Canteen>>
That might be a little bit confusing but the OpenMensaAPI does not expose a dedicated pagination endpoint to retrieve the total count of items or the total count of pages but exposes this information in the response headers (X-Total-Pages
, X-Total-Count
, ...).
To be able to extract this information you need the Response<>
wrapper because the wrapper includes a reference to the headers.
There's a given utility class PageInfo
which extracts the pagination information from a generic Response<>
object. To create a PageInfo
instance use the static factory method PageInfo.extractFromResponse(...)
When you have the pagination information extracted you can retrieve the remaining pages with the method getCanteens(int pageNumber)
of the OpenMensaAPI.
As always there's not one solution but different ways to accomplish this!
But no matter which approach you're chosing you have to collect all retrieved canteens in one list and pass this list to the ArrayAdapter<>
instance canteenAdapter
(e.g. in a .thenAccept(...)
Side note: to keep the app as simple as possible (well, actually it is not really simple, but we tried!) it does not contain a progressbar which shows if the canteens have been loaded or not so it might be a good idea to show a Toast
when the initialization is complete.
When a canteen was selected the meals for this canteen and the currently selected date (default today) should be retrieved.
The Spinner
class offers an OnItemSelectedListener
interface which is already added to the MainActivity
To be able to access the selected canteen later on you have to save it to a private
variable whenever the selection changes and the onItemSelected(...)
method is called.
When you have completed the handler (3 lines of code!) you are ready to fetch the meals by implementing the method updateMeals()
The following flow chart shows how to proceed:
At first you have to validate that a canteen was selected and correctly saved in your private
If a canteen was selected you have to fetch the state of the canteen at the selected date.
Hint: to format the date appropriately use the following snippet: dateFormat.format(currentDate.getTime())
When you retrieved the state of the canteen and it is open at the specified date you can fetch the meals for the same params as you already used to fetch the state.
If the canteen is closed return an empty list so you don't have to check for null values when you pass the meals to the view.
To display the retrieved meals pass them to the mealsListAdapter
(use the methods clear()
and addAll(...)