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game of life using win32 #49

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Sep 10, 2024
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game of life for win32
Hyrtwol committed Aug 8, 2024
commit 10097cab03949d28fc3d2bff984d87758bb762f5
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/check.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Check everything
run: |
FLAGS="-vet -strict-style -vet-tabs -disallow-do -warnings-as-errors"
odin check by_example/dir_info $FLAGS
odin check by_example/dynamic_arrays $FLAGS
odin check by_example/hellope $FLAGS
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ jobs:
odin check math/noise/draw_texture $FLAGS
odin check raylib/game_of_life $FLAGS
odin check raylib/game_of_life $FLAGS
odin check raylib/microui $FLAGS
odin check raylib/ports/shaders/shaders_mesh_instancing.odin -file $FLAGS
odin check raylib/ports/shapes/shapes_basic_shapes.odin -file $FLAGS
@@ -76,3 +76,5 @@ jobs:
odin check sdl2/opengl $FLAGS
odin check wgpu/microui -target:windows_amd64 $FLAGS
odin check win32/game_of_life $FLAGS
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions raylib/game_of_life/game_of_life.odin
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package game_of_life

(using raylib)
(using raylib)
This example shows a simple setup for a game with Input processing,
updating game state and drawing game state to the screen.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ package game_of_life
* Press <Space> to (un)pause the game
* Press <Esc> to close the game
The game starts paused.
The game starts paused.

@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ User_Input :: struct {

Game Of Life rules:
* (1) A cell with 2 alive neighbors stays alive/dead
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ update_world :: #force_inline proc(world: ^World, next_world: ^World) {

Just a branch-less version of adding adding all neighbors together
Just a branch-less version of adding adding all neighbors together
count_neighbors :: #force_inline proc(w: ^World, x: i32, y: i32) -> u8 {
// our world is a torus!
Binary file added win32/emblem.ico
Binary file not shown.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions win32/game_of_life/build.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
@echo off
set odin_cmd=build
set odin_opt=-resource:game_of_life.rc
if "%1" NEQ "" set odin_cmd=%1
if "%2" NEQ "" set odin_opt=%odin_opt% %2
rem select code page with utf-8 support CP_UTF8
chcp 65001
rem setup VC needed for -resource
if "%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%"=="" call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
pushd %~dp0
@echo on
odin %odin_cmd% . %odin_opt%
@echo off
447 changes: 447 additions & 0 deletions win32/game_of_life/game_of_life.odin
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
package game_of_life

(using win32)
This example shows a simple setup for a game with Input processing,
updating game state and drawing game state to the screen.
You can
* Left-Click to bring a cell alive
* Right-Click to kill a cell
* Press <Space> to (un)pause the game
* Press <Esc> to close the game
The game starts paused.
Build with:
odin build . -resource:game_of_life.rc

import "base:intrinsics"
import "base:runtime"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:math/rand"
import "core:os"
import win32 "core:sys/windows"
import "core:time"

// aliases
wstring :: win32.wstring
L :: intrinsics.constant_utf16_cstring
utf8_to_wstring :: win32.utf8_to_wstring
wstring_to_utf8 :: win32.wstring_to_utf8
color :: [4]u8
int2 :: [2]i32

HWND :: win32.HWND

// constants
TITLE :: "Game Of Life"
WORLD_SIZE: int2 : {128, 64}
ZOOM :: 12 // pixel size
FPS :: 20
FADE :: false

ALIVE :: 1

BLACK :: color{0, 0, 0, 255}
WHITE :: color{255, 255, 255, 255}

HELP_TEXT :: `ESC - Quit
P - Toggle Pause
H - Toggle Help`
help_rect: win32.RECT = {20, 20, 160, 100}
show_help := true

IDT_TIMER1: win32.UINT_PTR : 10001

color_bits :: 1
palette_count :: 1 << color_bits
color_palette :: [palette_count]color

bitmap_info :: struct {
bmiHeader: win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER,
bmiColors: color_palette,

screen_buffer :: [^]u8

ConfigFlag :: enum u32 {
ConfigFlags :: distinct bit_set[ConfigFlag;u32]

Window :: struct {
name: wstring,
size: int2,
fps: i32,
control_flags: ConfigFlags,

Game :: struct {
tick_rate: time.Duration,
last_tick: time.Time,
pause: bool,
colors: [palette_count]color,
size: int2,
zoom: i32,
world, next_world: ^World,
timer_id: win32.UINT_PTR,
tick: u32,
hbitmap: win32.HBITMAP,
pvBits: screen_buffer,
window: Window,

World :: struct {
width: i32,
height: i32,
alive: []u8,

Cell :: struct {
width: f32,
height: f32,

User_Input :: struct {
left_mouse_clicked: bool,
right_mouse_clicked: bool,
toggle_pause: bool,
mouse_world_position: i32,
mouse_tile_x: i32,
mouse_tile_y: i32,

Game Of Life rules:
* (1) A cell with 2 alive neighbors stays alive/dead
* (2) A cell with 3 alive neighbors stays/becomes alive
* (3) Otherwise: the cell dies/stays dead.
reads from world, writes into next_world
update_world :: #force_inline proc(world: ^World, next_world: ^World) {
for x: i32 = 0; x < world.width; x += 1 {
for y: i32 = 0; y < world.height; y += 1 {
neighbors := count_neighbors(world, x, y)
index := y * world.width + x

switch neighbors {
case 2: next_world.alive[index] = world.alive[index]
case 3: next_world.alive[index] = 1
case: next_world.alive[index] = 0

Just a branch-less version of adding adding all neighbors together
count_neighbors :: #force_inline proc(w: ^World, x: i32, y: i32) -> u8 {
// our world is a torus!
left := (x - 1) %% w.width
right := (x + 1) %% w.width
up := (y - 1) %% w.height
down := (y + 1) %% w.height

top_left := w.alive[up * w.width + left ]
top := w.alive[up * w.width + x ]
top_right := w.alive[up * w.width + right]

mid_left := w.alive[y * w.width + left ]
mid_right := w.alive[y * w.width + right]

bottom_left := w.alive[down * w.width + left ]
bottom := w.alive[down * w.width + x ]
bottom_right := w.alive[down * w.width + right]

top_row := top_left + top + top_right
mid_row := mid_left + mid_right
bottom_row := bottom_left + bottom + bottom_right

total := top_row + mid_row + bottom_row
return total

draws all the tiles of world.
draw_world :: #force_inline proc(app: ^Game) {
cnt := int( *
runtime.mem_copy(app.pvBits, &[0], cnt)

message_box :: #force_inline proc(text, caption: string, loc := #caller_location) {
win32.MessageBoxW(nil, win32.utf8_to_wstring(text), win32.utf8_to_wstring(caption), win32.MB_ICONSTOP | win32.MB_OK)

show_error_and_panic :: proc(msg: string, loc := #caller_location) {
message_box(fmt.tprintf("%s\nLast error: %x\n", msg, win32.GetLastError()), "Panic")
panic(msg, loc = loc)

get_rect_size :: #force_inline proc(rect: ^win32.RECT) -> int2 {return {(rect.right - rect.left), (rect.bottom -}}

set_app :: #force_inline proc(hwnd: win32.HWND, app: ^Game) {win32.SetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, win32.GWLP_USERDATA, win32.LONG_PTR(uintptr(app)))}

get_app :: #force_inline proc(hwnd: win32.HWND) -> ^Game {return (^Game)(rawptr(uintptr(win32.GetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, win32.GWLP_USERDATA))))}

randomize_world :: proc(world: ^World) {
cc := world.width * world.height
for i in 0 ..< cc {world.alive[i] = u8(rand.int31_max(2))}

WM_CREATE :: proc(hwnd: win32.HWND, lparam: win32.LPARAM) -> win32.LRESULT {
pcs := (^win32.CREATESTRUCTW)(rawptr(uintptr(lparam)))
if pcs == nil {show_error_and_panic("lparam is nil")}
app := (^Game)(pcs.lpCreateParams)
if app == nil {show_error_and_panic("lpCreateParams is nil")}
set_app(hwnd, app)

app.timer_id = win32.SetTimer(hwnd, IDT_TIMER1, 1000 / FPS, nil)
if app.timer_id == 0 {show_error_and_panic("No timer")}

hdc := win32.GetDC(hwnd)
defer win32.ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc)

bitmap_info := bitmap_info {
bmiHeader = win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER {
biSize = size_of(win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER),
biWidth = app.size.x,
biHeight = -app.size.y, // minus for top-down
biPlanes = 1,
biBitCount = 8,
biCompression = win32.BI_RGB,
biClrUsed = len(app.colors),
bmiColors = app.colors,
app.hbitmap = win32.CreateDIBSection(hdc, cast(^win32.BITMAPINFO)&bitmap_info, win32.DIB_RGB_COLORS, &app.pvBits, nil, 0)

if != nil {
app.pause = false

return 0

WM_DESTROY :: proc(hwnd: HWND) -> LRESULT {
app := get_app(hwnd)
if app == nil {show_error_and_panic("Missing app!")}
if app.timer_id != 0 {
if !win32.KillTimer(hwnd, app.timer_id) {
message_box("Unable to kill timer", "Error")
app.timer_id = 0
if app.hbitmap != nil {
if !win32.DeleteObject(win32.HGDIOBJ(app.hbitmap)) {
message_box("Unable to delete hbitmap", "Error")
app.hbitmap = nil
exit_code :: 0
return 0

WM_PAINT :: proc(hwnd: HWND) -> LRESULT {
app := get_app(hwnd)
if app == nil {return 0}

hdc := win32.BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps)
defer win32.EndPaint(hwnd, &ps)

if app.hbitmap != nil {
hdc_source := win32.CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
defer win32.DeleteDC(hdc_source)

win32.SelectObject(hdc_source, win32.HGDIOBJ(app.hbitmap))
client_size := get_rect_size(&ps.rcPaint)
win32.StretchBlt(hdc, 0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y, hdc_source, 0, 0, app.size.x, app.size.y, win32.SRCCOPY)

if show_help {
rect := help_rect
win32.RoundRect(hdc, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, 20, 20)
win32.InflateRect(&rect, -10, -10)
win32.DrawTextW(hdc, L(HELP_TEXT), -1, &rect, .DT_TOP)

return 0

WM_TIMER :: proc(hwnd: win32.HWND, wparam: win32.WPARAM, lparam: win32.LPARAM) -> win32.LRESULT {
switch wparam {
case IDT_TIMER1:
app := get_app(hwnd)
if app != nil {

if app.tick == 40 && show_help {show_help = false}

if !app.pause {
app.tick += 1
update_world(, app.next_world), app.next_world = app.next_world,


win32.SetWindowTextW(hwnd, win32.utf8_to_wstring(fmt.tprintf("%s - %d\n",, app.tick)))
win32.RedrawWindow(hwnd, nil, nil, .RDW_INVALIDATE | .RDW_UPDATENOW)
fmt.printf("WM_TIMER %v %v %v\n", hwnd, wparam, lparam)
return 0

WM_CHAR :: proc(hwnd: win32.HWND, wparam: win32.WPARAM, lparam: win32.LPARAM) -> win32.LRESULT {
switch wparam {
case '\x1b':
win32.PostMessageW(hwnd, win32.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
case 'h':
show_help ~= true
case 'p':
app := get_app(hwnd)
app.pause ~= true
if !app.pause {show_help = false}
case 'r':
app := get_app(hwnd)
case ' ':
app := get_app(hwnd)
siz := *
idx := rand.int31_max(siz)[idx] = 1
case '£':
show_error_and_panic("panic test")
return 0

wndproc :: proc "system" (hwnd: win32.HWND, msg: win32.UINT, wparam: win32.WPARAM, lparam: win32.LPARAM) -> win32.LRESULT {
context = runtime.default_context()
switch msg {
case win32.WM_CREATE: return WM_CREATE(hwnd, lparam)
case win32.WM_DESTROY: return WM_DESTROY(hwnd)
case win32.WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1 // paint should fill out the client area so no need to erase the background
case win32.WM_PAINT: return WM_PAINT(hwnd)
case win32.WM_CHAR: return WM_CHAR(hwnd, wparam, lparam)
case win32.WM_TIMER: return WM_TIMER(hwnd, wparam, lparam)
case: return win32.DefWindowProcW(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

register_class :: proc(instance: win32.HINSTANCE) -> win32.ATOM {
icon: win32.HICON = win32.LoadIconW(instance, win32.MAKEINTRESOURCEW(1))
if icon == nil {icon = win32.LoadIconW(nil, win32.wstring(win32._IDI_APPLICATION))}
if icon == nil {show_error_and_panic("Missing icon")}
cursor := win32.LoadCursorW(nil, wstring(win32._IDC_ARROW))
if cursor == nil {show_error_and_panic("Missing cursor")}
wcx := win32.WNDCLASSW {
style = win32.CS_HREDRAW | win32.CS_VREDRAW | win32.CS_OWNDC,
lpfnWndProc = wndproc,
hInstance = instance,
hIcon = icon,
hCursor = cursor,
lpszClassName = L("OdinMainClass"),
return win32.RegisterClassW(&wcx)

unregister_class :: proc(atom: win32.ATOM, instance: win32.HINSTANCE) {
if atom == 0 {show_error_and_panic("atom is zero")}
if !win32.UnregisterClassW(win32.LPCWSTR(uintptr(atom)), instance) {show_error_and_panic("UnregisterClassW")}

adjust_size_for_style :: proc(size: ^int2, dwStyle: win32.DWORD) {
rect := win32.RECT{0, 0, size.x, size.y}
if win32.AdjustWindowRect(&rect, dwStyle, false) {
size^ = {i32(rect.right - rect.left), i32(rect.bottom -}

center_window :: proc(position: ^int2, size: int2) {
if deviceMode: win32.DEVMODEW; win32.EnumDisplaySettingsW(nil, win32.ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &deviceMode) {
device_size := int2{i32(deviceMode.dmPelsWidth), i32(deviceMode.dmPelsHeight)}
position^ = (device_size - size) / 2

create_window :: #force_inline proc(instance: win32.HINSTANCE, atom: win32.ATOM, game: ^Game) -> win32.HWND {
if atom == 0 {show_error_and_panic("atom is zero")}
style :: win32.WS_OVERLAPPED | win32.WS_CAPTION | win32.WS_SYSMENU
size := game.window.size
pos := int2{i32(win32.CW_USEDEFAULT), i32(win32.CW_USEDEFAULT)}
adjust_size_for_style(&size, style)
if .CENTER in game.window.control_flags {
center_window(&pos, size)
return win32.CreateWindowW(win32.LPCWSTR(uintptr(atom)),, style, pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y, nil, nil, instance, game)

message_loop :: proc() -> int {
msg: win32.MSG
for win32.GetMessageW(&msg, nil, 0, 0) {
return int(msg.wParam)

run :: proc() -> int {
game := Game {
tick_rate = 300 * time.Millisecond,
last_tick =,
pause = true,
colors = {BLACK, WHITE},
size = WORLD_SIZE,
zoom = ZOOM,
window = Window{name = L(TITLE), size = WORLD_SIZE * ZOOM, fps = FPS, control_flags = {.CENTER}},
for i in 0 ..< palette_count {
c := u8((255 * int(i)) / (palette_count - 1))
game.colors[i] = color{c, c, c, 255}

game.colors[0] = color{128, 64, 32, 255}
game.colors[1] = color{255, 128, 64, 255}

world := World{game.size.x, game.size.y, make([]u8, game.size.x * game.size.y)}
next_world := World{game.size.x, game.size.y, make([]u8, game.size.x * game.size.y)}
defer delete(world.alive)
defer delete(next_world.alive) = &world
game.next_world = &next_world

instance := win32.HINSTANCE(win32.GetModuleHandleW(nil))
if (instance == nil) {show_error_and_panic("No instance")}
atom := register_class(instance)
if atom == 0 {show_error_and_panic("Failed to register window class")}
defer unregister_class(atom, instance)

hwnd := create_window(instance, atom, &game)
if hwnd == nil {show_error_and_panic("Failed to create window")}
win32.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32.SW_SHOWDEFAULT)

return message_loop()

main :: proc() {
exit_code := run()
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions win32/game_of_life/game_of_life.rc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@

#include "winres.h"

#pragma code_page(1252)

#define IDI_ICON1 101

#define Q(x) #x
#define QUOTE(x) Q(x)

#ifdef _DEBUG
FILEOS 0x40004L
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "080904b0"
VALUE "CompanyName", ""
VALUE "FileDescription", "Game of Life"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "game_of_life.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (c) 2024"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "game_of_life.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Odin Examples - Game of Life"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "Comments", "This example shows a simple setup for a game with Input processing, updating game state and drawing game state to the screen using Win32."
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x809, 1200

IDI_ICON1 ICON "..\\emblem.ico"