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A concurrency library for Javascript ES6 inspired by Go and Clojure


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Ceci's take on concurrency is inspired by Go's channels and goroutines, and by the core.async library for Clojure. Both are strongly influenced by Tony Hoare's theory of communicating sequential processes (CSP), and somewhat related to the classical Unix concept of pipes. The common feature of all these approaches is the idea of providing a single communication mechanism, usually called a channel, between concurrent threads of execution (processes, threads, goroutines etc) with semantics that make it both practical and comparatively easy to reason about.

While the implementation of channels is left to the ceci-channels library, the aim of ceci-core is to build a solid foundation for this task while providing features that are also useful on their own. It is in some ways similar to libraries such as co which integrate asynchronous, non-blocking calls into a more traditional control flow through the use of ES6 generators, but puts a higher emphasis on composability and seamless concurrency.


Install as a Node package:

npm install ceci-core

For easier integration, precompiled code (via regenerator) is included that runs on ES5 engines without generator support. To use this version, require it as follows:

var cc = require('ceci-core');

Client code that uses go blocks still needs to run on an engine that supports generators or be precompiled into ES5-compliant code, for example with browserify and the regeneratorify plugin.

When running on a JS engine that supports generators directly, such as NodeJS 0.11.x with the --harmony option, use the following line instead:

var cc = require('ceci-core/es6');


Find the full API documentation here.


###Go Blocks

Go blocks provide concurrent 'threads' of execution within a single Javascript thread. Let's look at a simple example:

var cc = require('ceci-core');

console.log("I am main");

cc.go(function*() {
  yield console.log("I am go block 1");
  yield console.log("I am go block 1");

cc.go(function*() {
  yield console.log("I am go block 2");
  yield console.log("I am go block 2");

console.log("I am also main");

The output looks like this:

I am main
I am also main
I am go block 1
I am go block 2
I am go block 1
I am go block 2

Two go blocks are created by calling the go function with a generator argument (using the function* keyword). The blocks run after the main program is finished. Whenever an expression preceded by yield is encountered, the current go block pauses after evaluating the expression, so that the other one can run.


Things get more interesting when we add asynchronous calls to the mix. The following code wraps a Node-style callback into a deferred value:

var fs = require('fs');
var cc = require('ceci-core');

var readFile = function(name) {
  var result = cc.defer();

  fs.readFile(name, function(err, val) {
    if (err)
      result.reject(new Error(err));

  return result;

This pattern will look quite familiar to those who have worked with promises, but Ceci's deferreds are much simpler. Here's how we can use them in go blocks:

cc.go(function*() {
  console.log((yield readFile('package.json')).length);
  console.log((yield readFile('LICENSE')).length);
  console.log((yield readFile('')).length);

The output looks something like this:


A yield with an expression that evaluates to a deferred suspends the current go block. When the deferred is resolved, the block is scheduled to be resumed with the resulting value. From inside the block, this looks exactly like a blocking function call, except for the fact that we needed to add the yield keyword.

###Running Things in Parallel

The code above reads the three files sequentially. We can instead read in parallel while still keeping the output in order by separating the function calls from the yield statements that force the results:

cc.go(function*() {
  var a = readFile('package.json');
  var b = readFile('LICENSE');
  var c = readFile('');
  console.log((yield a).length);
  console.log((yield b).length);
  console.log((yield c).length);

Finally, we can split the code into independent go routines that run concurrently:

var showLength = function(filename) {
  cc.go(function*() {
    console.log(filename + ':', (yield readFile(filename)).length);


The order of the output lines now depends on which reads finished first and can be different between runs.

###Deferreds vs Promises

Another point worth noting is that Ceci's deferreds are not meant to be passed along and shared like promises. They are basically throw-away objects with the single purpose of decoupling the producer and consumer of a value. This is because Ceci's higher-level facilities for composing asynchronous computations are based on blocking channels as in Go rather than promises, and the extra functionality such as support for multiple callbacks or chaining is not needed at this level. That said, Ceci also lets us apply a yield directly to a promise, which can come in handy when working with libraries that already provide these. To demonstrate, here's a drop-in replacement for the readFile function above using the q library:

var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('fs');

var readFile = Q.nbind(fs.readFile, fs);

###Composing Go Blocks

To be useful in practice, go blocks need to be able to return values, so that we can reuse smaller building blocks to form larger ones and finally whole programs. The return value of a go call is simply a deferred that will resolve to the return value of the generator that defines the go block. To see this in action, let's write a fileLength function based on readFile:

var fileLength = function(name) {
  return cc.go(function*() {
    return (yield readFile(name)).length;

This allows us to rewrite the original 'main' function like this:

cc.go(function*() {
  console.log(yield fileLength('package.json'));
  console.log(yield fileLength('LICENSE'));
  console.log(yield fileLength(''));

Note that the value returned from within the go block will always be wrapped in a deferred, even if it already is a deferred. It is therefore not uncommon to see a return statement of the form return yield x;.

###Error Handling Basics

If you've tried any of the examples above, you may have noticed that we don't see anything like a top-level stack trace when things go wrong, for example when a file to be read does not exist. Instead of working with fixed file names in our example, we can try taking a command line argument to see this more clearly:

cc.go(function*() {
  console.log(yield fileLength(process.argv[2]));

Now if we run the program with an existing file, we get a number. For a non-existent file, we get no output and no error messages whatsoever. Let's fix this:

cc.go(function*() {
  try {
    console.log(yield fileLength(process.argv[2]));
  } catch(ex) {

On my system, this produces something like this:

Error: Error: ENOENT, open 'package.jsonx'
    at /home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/test.js:9:21
    at fs.js:195:20
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:97:15)

In my version of the code, line 9 happens to be where readFile rejects the deferred it returns in case of an error. So we see that rejected deferreds manifest as exceptions when forced via a yield. We also see that errors can bubble up through a chain of nested go blocks. More precisely, an uncaught exception within a go block causes the deferred result of that block to be rejected, which in turn leads to an exception in the calling go block when that result is forced, and so on.

Ceci provides a little utility wrapper for handling uncaught exceptions on a 'top level' deferred:*() {
  console.log(yield fileLength(process.argv[2]));

This produces the same stack trace as above.

###More on Error Handling

Ceci's error handling has a few subtleties: first, errors can only be propagated outward if each nested go block in the chain is actually forced with a yield. Second, the outermost go block in the call chain has nowhere to propagate to, so we need to explicitly catch exceptions as in the example above. Third, since normal stack traces reflect the Javascript call chain, which is different from the chain of go blocks, we miss a lot of useful information. For instance, there's no mention of fileLength or the 'main' go block in the above.

To fix the last problem, ceci-core has a global option longStackSupport (named after the analogous option for the q library) which can be used as follows:

cc.longStackSupport = true;*() {
  console.log(yield fileLength(process.argv[2]));

With this switch on, I see something like this:

Error: Error: ENOENT, open 'package.jsonx'
    at /home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/test.js:9:21
    at fs.js:195:20
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:97:15)
    at Object.Ceci.go (/home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/lib/src/core.js:49:45)
    at fileLength (/home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/test.js:18:13)
    at /home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/test.js:26:21
    at Object.Ceci.go (/home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/lib/src/core.js:49:45)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/olaf/Projects/Ceci/ceci-core/test.js:25:4)

Much more useful!

Enabling longStackSupport incurs some extra memory and runtime costs for each go block execution, so it is probably best to only use it in development.

###NodeJS Helpers

Ceci provides a few helpers that make interoperating with libraries that use NodeJS-style callback conventions easier. First, there is ncallback which takes a deferred and returns a callback that resolves or rejects that deferred depending on its argument. This allows us to simplify the original readFile function from the Deferreds section like this:

var fs = require('fs');
var cc = require('ceci-core');

var readFile = function(name) {
  var result = cc.defer();
  fs.readFile(name, cc.ncallback(result));
  return result;

Going one step further, the nbind function takes a function that accepts a callback and returns one that produces a deferred:

var readFile = cc.nbind(fs.readFile);

Additional arguments can be given, which work just like in Function.prototype.bind.

Going the other direction, nodeify take a deferred and an optional callback. If used with no callback, it simply returns the deferred. Otherwise, it executes the callback accordingly when the deferred is resolved or rejected:

cc.nodeify(fileLength(process.argv[2]), function(err, val) {
  if (err)
    console.log('Oops:', err);

###What's Next?

Go blocks and deferreds get us out of "callback hell" and avoid the typical fragmentation of program logic associated with asynchronous programming. The next layer of the library, ceci-channels provides blocking channels, borrowed from the Go language, as a clean way for concurrent go blocks to exchange information.


Copyright (c) 2014 Olaf Delgado-Friedrichs.

Distributed under the MIT License.


A concurrency library for Javascript ES6 inspired by Go and Clojure







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