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Fixing the issue of the CI not responding #888

merged 1 commit into from
Oct 24, 2023
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion gitlab/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,9 +187,10 @@ let local_test ~solver repo () =
Conf.fetch_platforms ~include_macos:false ~include_freebsd:false ()
let src = Git.Local.head_commit repo in
let src_content = Repo_content.extract src in
let repo = Current.return { Repo_id.owner = "local"; name = "test" }
and analysis =
Analyse.examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src
Analyse.examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src src_content
Current.component "summarise"
|> let> results = build_with_docker ~repo ~analysis ~platforms src in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,8 +228,10 @@ let v ?ocluster ~app ~solver ~migrations () =
|> Current.list_iter (module Gitlab.Api.Commit) @@ fun head ->
let src = Git.fetch ( head) in
let src_content = Repo_content.extract src in
let analysis =
Analyse.examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src
let* on_cancel =
match ocluster with
Expand Down
181 changes: 26 additions & 155 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,11 @@
open Lwt.Infix
open Current.Syntax
module Worker = Ocaml_ci_api.Worker
module Content = Repo_content.Content

let pool = Current.Pool.create ~label:"analyse" 20

let is_empty_file x =
match Unix.lstat (Fpath.to_string x) with
| Unix.{ st_kind = S_REG; st_size = 0; _ } -> true
| _ -> false

let pool = Current.Pool.create ~label:"analyse" 150
let ( >>!= ) = Lwt_result.bind

let read_file ~max_len path =
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.input path (fun ch ->
Lwt_io.length ch >>= fun len ->
let len =
if len <= Int64.of_int max_len then Int64.to_int len
else Fmt.failwith "File %S too big (%Ld bytes)" path len
let buf = Bytes.create len in
Lwt_io.read_into_exactly ch buf 0 len >|= fun () -> Bytes.to_string buf)

(* A logging service that logs to [job]. *)
let job_log job =
let module X = Ocaml_ci_api.Raw.Solve.Service.Log in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,81 +43,6 @@ module Analysis = struct
let ocamlformat_selection t = t.ocamlformat_selection
let ocamlformat_source t = t.ocamlformat_source
let selections t = t.selections
let is_test_dir = Astring.String.is_prefix ~affix:"test"

let check_opam_version =
let version_2 = OpamVersion.of_string "2" in
fun name opam ->
let opam_version = OpamFile.OPAM.opam_version opam in
if opam_version version_2 < 0 then
Fmt.failwith "Package %S uses unsupported opam version %s (need >= 2)"
(OpamVersion.to_string opam_version)

(* For each package in [root_pkgs], parse the opam file and check whether it uses pin-depends.
Fetch and return all pinned opam files. Also, ensure we're using opam format version 2. *)
let handle_opam_files ~job ~root_pkgs ~pinned_pkgs =
|> List.iter (fun (name, contents) ->
check_opam_version name (OpamFile.OPAM.read_from_string contents));
let pin_depends =
|> (fun (name, contents) ->
let opam =
try OpamFile.OPAM.read_from_string contents
with ex ->
Fmt.failwith "Invalid opam file %S: %a" name Fmt.exn ex
check_opam_version name opam;
let pin_depends = OpamFile.OPAM.pin_depends opam in
|> (fun (pkg, url) ->
Current.Job.log job "%s: found pin-depends: %s -> %s" name
(OpamPackage.to_string pkg)
(OpamUrl.to_string url);
(name, pkg, url)))
|> List.concat
|> Lwt_list.map_s (fun (root_pkg, pkg, url) ->
(fun () ->
Pin_depends.get_opam ~job ~pkg url >|= fun contents ->
(OpamPackage.to_string pkg, contents))
| Failure msg ->
Fmt.failwith "%s (processing pin-depends in %s)" msg root_pkg
| ex -> ex))

let opam_selections ~solve ~job ~platforms ~opam_files dir =
let src = Fpath.to_string dir in
let ( / ) = Filename.concat in
|> Lwt_list.fold_left_s
(fun (root_pkgs, pinned_pkgs) path ->
let name = Filename.basename path |> Filename.chop_extension in
let name =
if String.contains name '.' then name else name ^ ".dev"
read_file ~max_len:102400 (src / path) >|= fun file ->
let item = (name, file) in
if Filename.dirname path = "." then (item :: root_pkgs, pinned_pkgs)
else (root_pkgs, item :: pinned_pkgs))
([], [])
>>= fun (root_pkgs, pinned_pkgs) ->
(fun () -> handle_opam_files ~job ~root_pkgs ~pinned_pkgs)
(fun pin_depends ->
let pinned_pkgs = pin_depends @ pinned_pkgs in
(fun selections -> `Opam_build selections)
(solve ~root_pkgs ~pinned_pkgs ~platforms))
(function Failure msg -> (`Msg msg) | ex -> ex)

let type_of_dir dir =
match Opam_monorepo.detect ~dir with
| Some info -> `Opam_monorepo info
| None -> `Ocaml_repo

(** Call the solver with a request containing these packages. When it returns
a list, it is nonempty. *)
Expand All @@ -153,6 +63,8 @@ module Analysis = struct
(* TODO ocamlformat in the request (option)*)
(* TODO opam_monorepo in the request (option)*)
Current.Job.log job "Solving with opam-repository commit: %a"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,76 +147,32 @@ module Analysis = struct (Variant.ocaml_version v0)
(Variant.ocaml_version v1))

let of_dir ~solver ~job ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit root =
let cancelled = Atomic.make None in
let fold_on_opam_files () =
let module M = struct
exception Exit of string
end in
let module S = Astring.String.Set in
let opam_files full_path =
let path = Option.get (Fpath.rem_prefix root full_path) in
let consider_opam_file =
match Fpath.segs path with
| [] | [ _ ] -> true
| segs ->
if List.exists is_test_dir segs then (
Current.Job.log job "Ignoring test directory %a" Fpath.pp path;
else true
if is_empty_file full_path then (
Current.Job.log job "WARNING: ignoring empty opam file %a" Fpath.pp
else if consider_opam_file then Some path
else None
let is_opam_ext path = Ok (Fpath.has_ext "opam" path) in
let traverse path =
match Fpath.rem_prefix root path with
(* maxdepth=3 *)
| Some suffix -> Ok (List.compare_length_with (Fpath.segs suffix) 3 <= 0)
| None when Fpath.equal root path -> Ok true
| None ->
Fmt.error_msg "%a is not a prefix of %a" Fpath.pp root Fpath.pp path
let add_opam_files path acc =
Option.iter (fun s -> raise_notrace (M.Exit s)) (Atomic.get cancelled);
match opam_files path with
| Some path -> S.add (Fpath.to_string path) acc
| None -> acc
Bos.OS.Path.fold ~elements:(`Sat is_opam_ext) ~traverse:(`Sat traverse)
add_opam_files S.empty [ root ]
with M.Exit reason ->
Fmt.error_msg "Cancelling opam file lookup (%s)" reason)
|> S.elements
Current.Job.on_cancel job (fun reason ->
Atomic.set cancelled (Some reason);
>>= fun () ->
Lwt_preemptive.detach fold_on_opam_files () >>!= fun opam_files ->
let of_content ~solver ~job ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src =
let opam_files = Content.opam_files src in
let version = Content.ocamlformat_version src in
let solve = solve ~opam_repository_commit ~job ~solver in
let find_opam_repo_commit =
find_opam_repo_commit_for_ocamlformat ~solve
~platforms:(filter_linux_x86_64_platforms platforms)
Analyse_ocamlformat.get_ocamlformat_source job ~opam_files ~root
Analyse_ocamlformat.get_ocamlformat_source job ~opam_files ~version
>>!= fun (ocamlformat_source, ocamlformat_selection) ->
if opam_files = [] then (`Msg "No opam files found!")
else if List.filter Fpath.is_seg opam_files = [] then (`Msg "No top-level opam files found!")
(match type_of_dir root with
(match Content.dir_type src with
| `Opam_monorepo builds ->
lwt_result_list_mapm builds ~f:(fun info ->
Opam_monorepo.selection ~info ~solve ~platforms)
|> (fun l -> `Opam_monorepo l)
| `Ocaml_repo -> opam_selections ~solve ~job ~platforms ~opam_files root)
| `Ocaml_repo ->
let root_pkgs = Content.root_pkgs src in
let pinned_pkgs = Content.pinned_pkgs src in
(fun selections -> `Opam_build selections)
(solve ~root_pkgs ~pinned_pkgs ~platforms))
>>!= fun selections ->
let r =
{ opam_files; ocamlformat_selection; ocamlformat_source; selections }
Expand All @@ -330,6 +198,7 @@ module Examine = struct
type t = {
opam_repository_commit : Current_git.Commit_id.t;
platforms : (Variant.t * Worker.Vars.t) list;
src_content : Repo_content.Content.t;

let platform_to_yojson (variant, vars) =
Expand All @@ -339,13 +208,14 @@ module Examine = struct
("vars", Worker.Vars.to_yojson vars);

let digest { opam_repository_commit; platforms } =
let digest { opam_repository_commit; platforms; src_content } =
let json =
( "opam-repository",
`String (Current_git.Commit_id.hash opam_repository_commit) );
("platforms", `List ( platform_to_yojson platforms));
("src_content", `String (Repo_content.Content.marshal src_content));
Yojson.Safe.to_string json
Expand All @@ -355,10 +225,11 @@ module Examine = struct

let id = "ci-analyse"

let run solver job src { Value.opam_repository_commit; platforms } =
Current.Job.start job ~level:Current.Level.Harmless >>= fun () ->
Current_git.with_checkout ~job ~pool src @@ fun src ->
Analysis.of_dir ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit ~job src
let run solver job _ { Value.opam_repository_commit; platforms; src_content }
Current.Job.start job ~pool ~level:Current.Level.Harmless >>= fun () ->
Analysis.of_content ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit ~job

let pp f _ = Fmt.string f "Analyse"
let auto_cancel = true
Expand All @@ -367,12 +238,12 @@ end

module Examine_cache = Current_cache.Generic (Examine)

let examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src =
let examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src src_content =
Current.component "Analyse"
|> let> src and> opam_repository_commit and> platforms in
|> let> src and> opam_repository_commit and> platforms and> src_content in
let platforms =
|> (fun { Platform.variant; vars; _ } -> (variant, vars))
in solver src
{ Examine.Value.opam_repository_commit; platforms }
{ Examine.Value.opam_repository_commit; platforms; src_content }
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/analyse.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ module Analysis : sig
[ `Opam_build of Selection.t list
| `Opam_monorepo of Opam_monorepo.config list ]

val of_dir :
val of_content :
solver:Backend_solver.t ->
job:Current.Job.t ->
platforms:(Variant.t * Ocaml_ci_api.Worker.Vars.t) list ->
opam_repository_commit:Current_git.Commit_id.t ->
Fpath.t ->
Repo_content.Content.t ->
(t, [ `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t

Expand All @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ val examine :
platforms:Platform.t list Current.t ->
opam_repository_commit:Current_git.Commit_id.t Current.t ->
Current_git.Commit.t Current.t ->
Repo_content.Content.t Current.t ->
Analysis.t Current.t
(** [examine ~solver ~platforms ~opam_repository_commit src] analyses the source
code [src] and selects package versions to test using
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,9 +73,8 @@ let ocamlformat_version_from_file ~root job path =
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "Multiple 'version=' lines in .ocamlformat"))

let get_ocamlformat_source job ~opam_files ~root ~find_opam_repo_commit =
let get_ocamlformat_source job ~opam_files ~version ~find_opam_repo_commit =
let open Lwt.Infix in
let ( let* ) = Lwt_result.Infix.( >>= ) in
let proj_is_ocamlformat p =
String.equal (Filename.basename p) "ocamlformat.opam"
Expand All @@ -84,11 +83,7 @@ let get_ocamlformat_source job ~opam_files ~root ~find_opam_repo_commit =
let path = Filename.dirname opam_file in
Lwt_result.return (Some (Vendored { path }), None)
| None -> (
let* version_in_dot_ocamlformat =
ocamlformat_version_from_file ~root job
Fpath.(to_string (root / ".ocamlformat"))
match version_in_dot_ocamlformat with
match version with
| None -> Lwt_result.return (None, None)
| Some version -> (
find_opam_repo_commit version >>= function
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion lib/analyse_ocamlformat.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,17 @@ type source =
val pp_source : source Fmt.t
(** Pretty print [source]. *)

val ocamlformat_version_from_file :
root:Fpath.t ->
Current.Job.t ->
string ->
(string option, [ `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t
(** Extract the version in .ocamlformat file if the file exists in the project *)

val get_ocamlformat_source :
Current.Job.t ->
opam_files:string list ->
root:Fpath.t ->
version:string option ->
(string -> (string * Selection.t, [ `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t) ->
(source option * Selection.t option, [ `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lib/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
type info = string * OpamFile.OPAM.t
type info = string * string [@@deriving yojson]
type lock_file_version = V0_2 | V0_3 [@@deriving yojson, ord]

(** The kind of switch the package will be built in. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let detect ~dir = (OpamFile.make (OpamFilename.of_string full_path))
let* _ = x_opam_monorepo_version lock_file_contents in
Some (lock_file_path, lock_file_contents))
Some (lock_file_path, OpamFile.OPAM.write_to_string lock_file_contents))

let packages_in_depends f =
let get_atom = function OpamFormula.Atom a -> a | _ -> assert false in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ let adjust_ocaml_version platform ~version =

let selection ~info:(lock_file_path, lock_file) ~platforms ~solve =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let lock_file = OpamFile.OPAM.read_from_string lock_file in
let ocaml_version = opam_monorepo_dep_version ~lock_file ~package:"ocaml" in
let dune_version = opam_monorepo_dep_version ~lock_file ~package:"dune" in
let lock_file_version =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/opam_monorepo.mli
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(** Generate obuilder specs for building opam packages with opam-monorepo. *)

type info
type info [@@deriving yojson]

val detect : dir:Fpath.t -> info list option
(** Detect whether a project uses opam-monorepo or something else. *)
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