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v0.29 - This Looks Serious (TLS)

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@ryangribble ryangribble released this 18 Feb 10:47


Octokit 0.29.0 on NuGet
Octokit.Reactive 0.29.0 on NuGet

Advisories and Breaking Changes

  • On February 22, 2018 19:00 UTC, GitHub will disable permanently the use of weak cryptogrpahic standards. Applications targeting .NET Framework 4.5.x will be affected, as that framework does not enable the now required protocol (TLS1.2) by default. This release will automatically enable this protocol, when the GitHubClient is constructed. Note that applications targeting .NET Framework 4.6+ or .NET Core should already have TLS1.2 enabled by default, and this release does nothing with enabled protocols on those platforms.
  • Affected clients that are unable to update, can include their own code change to enable TLS1.2 as an alternative to updating to this release.

Release Notes

Milestone: Missing Pagination Support


Milestone: None


  • Add InReplyToId property to PullRequestReviewComment response model, to indicate when a comment is in reply to another comment - #1715 via @thedillonb
  • Ensure the netstandard1.1 targeted package is compatible with AWS Lambda netcoreapp1.0 environment, by explicitly specifying the NetStandard.Library meta-package version - #1713 via @ryangribble
  • Add UpdatedAt property to Milestone response model, to indicate when it was last updated - #1722 via @shaggygi, @ryangribble
  • Support StatusEvent payloads, using new response model StatusEventPayload - #1732 via @itaibh
  • Octokit now handles DateTime and DateTimeOffset response fields whose API response is in an unexpected Unix epoch time format - #1735 via @itaibh
  • Add PullRequestReviewId property to PullRequestReviewComment response model, to indicate which PullRequestReview the comment is related to - #1739 via @mirsaeedi
  • Implement support for Repository Licenses, including adding License property to Repository response model, adding SpxId field to LicenseMetadata response model and a new IRepositoriesClient.GetLicenseContents() call - #1630 via @jozefizso, @M-Zuber, @ryangribble
  • Add MergeableState property to PullRequest response model, to indicate additional information about why a pull request can't be merged - #1764 via @ryangribble
  • Add Visibility property to EmailAddress response model, to indicate whether a primary email address is Public or Private - #1757 via @asapferg, @ryangribble


  • OAuthClient now handles GitHub Enterprise instances correctly in CreateAccessToken() and GetGitHubLoginUrl() methods - #1726 via @ryangribble
  • Using the same GitHubClient instance from multiple threads in parallel will no longer throw occasional exceptions, after making the GitHubSerializerStrategy internals thread-safe - #1748 via @daveaglick
  • Remove deserializer enum cache miss by correcting the case of AccountType parameter values - #1759 via @ryangribble
  • Add TLS1.2 to enabled security protocols (.NET Framework 4.5 only) to avoid SSL connectivity errors when GitHub deprecates weak algorithms on February 22 - #1758 via @ryangribble
  • Deserializer now handles nullable StringEnum<T> members - #1760 via @ryangribble

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