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Wat file preprocessor
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vouillon committed Dec 17, 2024
1 parent 5cc0417 commit ad8f268
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Showing 4 changed files with 324 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion compiler/lib-wasm/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,6 @@
(synopsis "Wasm_of_ocaml compiler library")
(libraries js_of_ocaml_compiler)
(:standard -w -7-37 -safe-string -open Js_of_ocaml_compiler)))
(:standard -w -7-37 -safe-string -open Js_of_ocaml_compiler))
(pps sedlex.ppx)))
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions compiler/lib-wasm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
exception Syntax_error of (Lexing.position * Lexing.position) * string

let sign = [%sedlex.regexp? Opt ('+' | '-')]

let digit = [%sedlex.regexp? '0' .. '9']

let hexdigit = [%sedlex.regexp? '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F']

let num = [%sedlex.regexp? digit, Star (Opt '_', digit)]

let hexnum = [%sedlex.regexp? hexdigit, Star (Opt '_', hexdigit)]

let uN = [%sedlex.regexp? num | "0x", hexnum]

let sN = [%sedlex.regexp? sign, uN]

let iN = [%sedlex.regexp? uN | sN]

let float = [%sedlex.regexp? num, Opt ('.', Opt num), Opt (('e' | 'E'), sign, num)]

let hexfloat =
[%sedlex.regexp? "0x", hexnum, Opt ('.', Opt hexnum), Opt (('p' | 'P'), sign, num)]

let fN = [%sedlex.regexp? sign, (float | hexfloat | "inf" | "nan" | "nan:", hexnum)]

let idchar =
( '0' .. '9'
| 'A' .. 'Z'
| 'a' .. 'z'
| '!'
| '#'
| '$'
| '%'
| '&'
| '\''
| '*'
| '+'
| '-'
| '.'
| '/'
| ':'
| '<'
| '='
| '>'
| '?'
| '@'
| '\\'
| '^'
| '_'
| '`'
| '|'
| '~' )]

let id = [%sedlex.regexp? '$', Plus idchar]

let linechar = [%sedlex.regexp? Sub (any, (10 | 13))]

let newline = [%sedlex.regexp? 10 | 13 | 13, 10]

let linecomment = [%sedlex.regexp? ";;", Star linechar, (newline | eof)]

let format = [%sedlex.regexp? '\n' | 9]

let space = [%sedlex.regexp? ' ' | format | comment]
let keyword = [%sedlex.regexp? Plus idchar]

let rec comment lexbuf =
match%sedlex lexbuf with
| ";)" -> ()
| "(;" ->
comment lexbuf;
comment lexbuf
| ';' | '(' | Plus (Sub (any, (';' | '('))) -> comment lexbuf
| _ ->
(Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf, Printf.sprintf "Malformed comment.\n"))

let string_buffer = Buffer.create 256

let rec string lexbuf =
match%sedlex lexbuf with
| '"' ->
Buffer.add_string string_buffer (Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme lexbuf);
let s = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
Buffer.clear string_buffer;
| Plus (Sub (any, (0 .. 31 | 0x7f | '"' | '\\')))
| "\\t" | "\\n" | "\\r" | "\\'" | "\\\"" | "\\\\"
| "\\u{", hexnum, "}" ->
Buffer.add_string string_buffer (Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme lexbuf);
string lexbuf
| _ ->
(Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf, Printf.sprintf "Malformed string.\n"))

type pos =
{ loc : Lexing.position
; byte_loc : int

type token =
| ATOM of string

let locs lexbuf =
let loc, loc' = Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf in
let byte_loc, byte_loc' = Sedlexing.bytes_loc lexbuf in
{ loc; byte_loc }, { loc = loc'; byte_loc = byte_loc' }

let rec token lexbuf =
match%sedlex lexbuf with
| '(' -> LPAREN, locs lexbuf
| ')' -> RPAREN, locs lexbuf
| uN | sN | fN | keyword -> ATOM (Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme lexbuf), locs lexbuf
| '"' ->
let string_start =
{ loc = Sedlexing.lexing_position_start lexbuf
; byte_loc = Sedlexing.lexeme_bytes_start lexbuf
Buffer.add_char string_buffer '"';
let str = string lexbuf in
( ATOM str
, ( string_start
, { loc = Sedlexing.lexing_position_curr lexbuf
; byte_loc = Sedlexing.lexeme_bytes_end lexbuf
} ) )
| newline | linecomment -> token lexbuf
| Plus (' ' | '\t') -> token lexbuf
| "(;" ->
comment lexbuf;
token lexbuf
| eof -> EOF, locs lexbuf
| _ ->
(Syntax_error (Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf, Printf.sprintf "Syntax error.\n"))

type t =
{ loc : pos * pos
; desc : desc

and desc =
| Atom of string
| List of t list

let rec parse_list lexbuf toplevel start_loc acc =
let tok, (loc, loc') = token lexbuf in
match tok with
let lst, loc = parse_list lexbuf false loc [] in
parse_list lexbuf toplevel start_loc ({ desc = List lst; loc } :: acc)
if toplevel
( Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf
, Printf.sprintf "Missing closing parenthesis.\n" ));
List.rev acc, (start_loc, loc')
| EOF ->
if not toplevel
( Sedlexing.lexing_positions lexbuf
, Printf.sprintf "Unexpected end of file.\n" ));
List.rev acc, (start_loc, loc')
| ATOM s ->
parse_list lexbuf toplevel start_loc ({ loc = loc, loc'; desc = Atom s } :: acc)

let parse lexbuf =
{ loc = Sedlexing.lexing_position_start lexbuf
; byte_loc = Sedlexing.lexeme_bytes_end lexbuf

let report_syntax_error loc msg =
let location = MenhirLib.LexerUtil.range loc in
Format.eprintf "%s%s%!" location msg;
exit 1

module StringMap = Map.Make (String)

type st =
{ text : string
; mutable pos : pos
; variables : bool StringMap.t
; buf : Buffer.t

let write st pos' =
Buffer.add_substring st.buf st.text st.pos.byte_loc (pos'.byte_loc - st.pos.byte_loc);
st.pos <- pos'

let skip st (pos' : pos) =
let lines = pos'.loc.pos_lnum - st.pos.loc.pos_lnum in
let cols =
- pos'.loc.pos_bol
- if lines > 0 then 0 else st.pos.loc.pos_cnum - st.pos.loc.pos_cnum
Buffer.add_string st.buf (String.make lines '\n');
Buffer.add_string st.buf (String.make cols ' ');
st.pos <- pos'

let pred_position { loc; byte_loc } =
{ loc = { loc with pos_cnum = loc.pos_cnum - 1 }; byte_loc = byte_loc - 1 }

let eval st cond =
match cond with
| { desc = Atom s; loc = pos, pos' } ->
if not (StringMap.mem s st.variables)
(Syntax_error ((pos.loc, pos'.loc), Printf.sprintf "Unknown variable '%s'.\n" s));
StringMap.find s st.variables
| { loc = pos, pos'; _ } ->
raise (Syntax_error ((pos.loc, pos'.loc), Printf.sprintf "Syntax error.\n"))

let rec rewrite_list st l = List.iter (rewrite st) l

and rewrite st elt =
match elt with
| { desc =
({ desc = Atom "try"; _ }
:: ( { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "result"; _ } :: _); _ }
:: { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "do"; loc = _, pos_after_do } :: body)
; loc = _, pos_after_body
:: _
| { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "do"; loc = _, pos_after_do } :: body)
; loc = _, pos_after_body
:: _ ))
; loc = pos, pos'
when StringMap.find "trap-on-exception" st.variables ->
write st pos;
Buffer.add_string st.buf "(block";
skip st pos_after_do;
rewrite_list st body;
write st pos_after_body;
skip st pos'
| { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "throw"; _ } :: _); loc = pos, pos' }
when StringMap.find "trap-on-exception" st.variables ->
write st pos;
Buffer.add_string st.buf "(unreachable)";
skip st pos'
| { desc =
[ { desc = Atom "#if"; _ }
; cond
; { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "#then"; loc = _, pos_after_then } :: then_body)
; loc = _, pos_after_then_body
; loc = pos, pos'
} ->
write st pos;
if eval st cond
then (
skip st pos_after_then;
rewrite_list st then_body;
write st (pred_position pos_after_then_body);
skip st pos')
else skip st pos'
| { desc =
[ { desc = Atom "#if"; _ }
; cond
; { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "#then"; loc = _, pos_after_then } :: then_body)
; loc = _, pos_after_then_body
; { desc = List ({ desc = Atom "#else"; loc = _, pos_after_else } :: else_body)
; loc = _, pos_after_else_body
; loc = pos, pos'
} ->
write st pos;
if eval st cond
then (
skip st pos_after_then;
rewrite_list st then_body;
write st (pred_position pos_after_then_body);
skip st pos')
else (
skip st pos_after_else;
rewrite_list st else_body;
write st (pred_position pos_after_else_body);
skip st pos')
| { desc = List l; _ } -> rewrite_list st l
| _ -> ()

let f ~variables ~filename ~contents:text =
let variables = ("trap-on-exception", false) :: variables in
let variables =
List.fold_left (fun m (k, v) -> StringMap.add k v m) StringMap.empty variables
let lexbuf = Sedlexing.Utf8.from_string text in
Sedlexing.set_filename lexbuf filename;
let t, (pos, end_pos) = parse lexbuf in
let st = { text; pos; variables; buf = Buffer.create (String.length text) } in
rewrite_list st t;
write st end_pos;
Buffer.contents st.buf
with Syntax_error (loc, msg) -> report_syntax_error loc msg
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/lib-wasm/wat_preprocess.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
val f : variables:(string * bool) list -> filename:string -> contents:string -> string
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion runtime/wasm/io.wat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,6 @@

(type $block (array (mut (ref eq))))
(type $bytes (array (mut i8)))
(type $string (struct (field anyref)))
(type $offset_array (array (mut i64)))

(type $compare
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