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Git Hooks

In this repo you'll find all the provided hooks in the hooks folder.

Copy the executable and .py (except the ones that begin with test_) files to .git/hooks to use the hooks.

For example, to use the commit-msg hook, copy ./hooks/commit-msg and ./hooks/ to your local git repo hooks folder located in .git/hooks from your repo root folder.


0.2.0 (2016-04-17)


  • Add pre-commit hook. [Diego Hurtado]

    A pre-commit hook that runs tox has been added. This hook makes sure that all the tests pass before adding a commit to ensure a fully test-passing git history.

0.1.0 (2016-04-17)


  • Add license. [Diego Hurtado]

    The license for this project was defined as show in the LICENSE file.

  • Add the README. [Diego Hurtado]

    The commit-msg hook is ready for use. Instructions on how to use were added in the README.