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Generation of init and variables for Windows
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dra27 committed Sep 17, 2022
1 parent 68480a4 commit 9c8f762
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 15 deletions.
44 changes: 29 additions & 15 deletions src/state/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ let eval_string gt ?(set_opamswitch=false) switch =

(** The shells for which we generate init scripts (bash and sh are the same
entry) *)
let shells_list = [ SH_sh; SH_zsh; SH_csh; SH_fish ]
let shells_list = [ SH_sh; SH_zsh; SH_csh; SH_fish; SH_pwsh Powershell; SH_cmd ]

let complete_file = function
| SH_sh | SH_bash -> Some ""
@@ -498,23 +498,22 @@ let env_hook_file = function
| SH_zsh -> Some "env_hook.zsh"
| SH_csh -> Some "env_hook.csh"
| SH_fish -> Some ""
| SH_pwsh _ | SH_cmd ->
(* N/A because not present in `shells_list` yet *) None
| SH_pwsh _ | SH_cmd -> None

let variables_file = function
| SH_sh | SH_bash | SH_zsh -> ""
| SH_csh -> "variables.csh"
| SH_fish -> ""
| SH_pwsh _ | SH_cmd ->
(* N/A because not present in `shells_list` yet *) ""
| SH_pwsh _ -> "variables.ps1"
| SH_cmd -> "variables.cmd"

let init_file = function
| SH_sh | SH_bash -> ""
| SH_zsh -> "init.zsh"
| SH_csh -> "init.csh"
| SH_fish -> ""
| SH_pwsh _ | SH_cmd ->
(* N/A because not present in `shells_list` yet *) ""
| SH_pwsh _ -> "init.ps1"
| SH_cmd -> "init.cmd"

let complete_script = function
| SH_sh | SH_bash -> Some OpamScript.complete
@@ -564,7 +563,7 @@ let export_in_shell shell =
(make_comment comment) k v
let pwsh (k,v,comment) =
Printf.sprintf "%s$env:%s=%s;\n"
Printf.sprintf "%s$env:%s=%s\n"
(make_comment comment) k v in
let cmd (k,v,comment) =
let make_cmd_comment comment_opt =
@@ -599,9 +598,9 @@ let source root shell f =
Printf.sprintf "[[ ! -r %s ]] || source %s > /dev/null 2> /dev/null\n"
fname fname
| SH_cmd ->
Printf.sprintf "if exist \"%s\" ( \"%s\" >NUL 2>NUL )\n" fname fname
Printf.sprintf "if exist \"%s\" call \"%s\" >NUL 2>NUL\n" fname fname
| SH_pwsh _ ->
Printf.sprintf "& \"%s\" > $null 2> $null\n" fname
Printf.sprintf ". \"%s\" *> $null\n" fname

let if_interactive_script shell t e =
let ielse else_opt = match else_opt with
@@ -650,11 +649,26 @@ let string_of_update st shell updates =
let key, value =
ident, match symbol with
| Eq -> Printf.sprintf "'%s'" string
| Eq ->
begin match shell with
| SH_pwsh _ -> "'" ^ OpamStd.Env.escape_powershell string ^ "'"
| SH_cmd -> string
| _ -> "'" ^ string ^ "'"
| PlusEq | ColonEq | EqPlusEq ->
Printf.sprintf "'%s':\"$%s\"" string ident
let sep = get_env_property ident Separator in
begin match shell with
| SH_pwsh _ -> Printf.sprintf "'%s%c' + \"$env:%s\"" (OpamStd.Env.escape_powershell string) sep ident
| SH_cmd -> Printf.sprintf "%s%c%%%s%%" string sep ident
| _ -> Printf.sprintf "'%s'%c\"$%s\"" string sep ident
| EqColon | EqPlus ->
Printf.sprintf "\"$%s\":'%s'" ident string
let sep = get_env_property ident Separator in
begin match shell with
| SH_pwsh _ -> Printf.sprintf "\"$env:%s\" + '%c%s'" ident sep string
| SH_cmd -> Printf.sprintf "%%%s%%%c%s" ident sep string
| _ -> Printf.sprintf "\"$%s\"%c'%s'" ident sep string
export_in_shell shell (key, value, comment) in
OpamStd.List.concat_map "" aux updates
@@ -734,15 +748,15 @@ let write_dynamic_init_scripts st =
(fun shell ->
write_script (OpamPath.init st.switch_global.root)
(variables_file shell, string_of_update st shell updates))
[SH_sh; SH_csh; SH_fish]
[SH_sh; SH_csh; SH_fish; SH_pwsh Powershell; SH_cmd]
with OpamSystem.Locked ->
"Global shell init scripts not installed (could not acquire lock)"

let clear_dynamic_init_scripts gt =
List.iter (fun shell ->
OpamFilename.remove (OpamPath.init gt.root // variables_file shell))
[SH_sh; SH_csh; SH_fish]
[SH_sh; SH_csh; SH_fish; SH_pwsh Powershell; SH_cmd]

let dot_profile_needs_update root dot_profile =
if not (OpamFilename.exists dot_profile) then `yes else

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