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feature(coq): composition of installed theories
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Signed-off-by: Ali Caglayan <[email protected]>

<!-- ps-id: 2e87c067-cf25-4be2-b468-c5736ad5ba95 -->
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Alizter committed Feb 11, 2023
1 parent d6977f2 commit c011353
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Showing 16 changed files with 331 additions and 65 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ module Value = struct
| Int of int
| Path of Path.t
| String of string

let to_dyn = function
| Int i -> Dyn.Int i
| Path p -> Dyn.String (Path.to_string p)
| String s -> Dyn.String s

module Version = struct
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/coq/coq_config.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module Value : sig
| Int of int
| Path of Path.t
| String of string

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

(** [by_name t name] returns the value of the option [name] in the Coq
Expand All @@ -24,5 +26,7 @@ end
- version.revision
- version.suffix
- version
- ocaml-version *)
- ocaml-version
- coqlib
- coq_native_compiler_default *)
val by_name : t -> string -> Value.t Option.t
198 changes: 174 additions & 24 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,30 +8,25 @@ open Import
module Id = struct
module T = struct
type t =
{ path : Path.Build.t
{ path : Path.t
; name : Coq_lib_name.t

let compare t { path; name } =
let open Ordering.O in
let= () = t.path path in
let= () = t.path path in name

let to_dyn { path; name } =
[ ("path", Path.Build.to_dyn path)
; ("name", Coq_lib_name.to_dyn name)
[ ("path", Path.to_dyn path); ("name", Coq_lib_name.to_dyn name) ]

include T

let pp { path; name } =
[ Pp.textf "theory %s in" (Coq_lib_name.to_string name)
; Path.pp ( path)
[ Pp.textf "theory %s in" (Coq_lib_name.to_string name); Path.pp path ]

let create ~path ~name = { path; name }

Expand All @@ -52,8 +47,8 @@ include struct
; implicit : bool (* Only useful for the stdlib *)
; use_stdlib : bool
(* whether this theory uses the stdlib, eventually set to false for all libs *)
; src_root : Path.Build.t
; obj_root : Path.Build.t
; src_root : Path.t
; obj_root : Path.t
; theories : (Loc.t * t) list Resolve.t
; libraries : (Loc.t * Lib.t) list Resolve.t
; theories_closure : t list Resolve.t Lazy.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +149,8 @@ module DB = struct
-> [ `Redirect of t
| `Theory of Lib.DB.t * Path.Build.t * Coq_stanza.Theory.t
| `Stdlib of lib
| `User_contrib of lib
| `Not_found
; boot : (Loc.t * lib Resolve.t Memo.Lazy.t) option
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,12 +271,11 @@ module DB = struct
let module Input = struct
type nonrec t = t * Lib.DB.t * Path.Build.t * Coq_stanza.Theory.t
type nonrec t = t * Lib.DB.t * Path.t * Coq_stanza.Theory.t

let equal (coq_db, ml_db, path, stanza) (coq_db', ml_db', path', stanza')
coq_db == coq_db' && ml_db == ml_db'
&& Path.Build.equal path path'
coq_db == coq_db' && ml_db == ml_db' && Path.equal path path'
&& stanza == stanza'

let hash = Poly.hash
Expand All @@ -297,34 +293,44 @@ module DB = struct

let rec find coq_db name =
match coq_db.resolve name with
| `Theory (db, dir, stanza) -> Some (db, dir, stanza)
| `Theory (db, dir, stanza) -> `Theory (db, dir, stanza)
| `Redirect coq_db -> find coq_db name
| `Stdlib lib -> `Stdlib lib
| `User_contrib lib -> `User_contrib lib
| `Not_found -> (
match coq_db.parent with
| None -> None
| None -> `Not_found
| Some parent -> find parent name)

let find coq_db ~coq_lang_version name =
match find coq_db name with
| None -> `Not_found
| Some (mldb, dir, stanza) when coq_lang_version >= (0, 4) ->
`Found (mldb, dir, stanza)
| Some (mldb, dir, stanza) -> (
| `Not_found -> `Not_found
(* Composing with installed theories should come past 0.8 *)
(* TODO update version check *)
| (`Stdlib lib | `User_contrib lib) when coq_lang_version >= (0, 7) ->
`Found_lib lib
| `Stdlib _ | `User_contrib _ -> `Not_found
(* Composing with theories in the same project should come past 0.4 *)
| `Theory (mldb, dir, stanza) when coq_lang_version >= (0, 4) ->
`Found_stanza (mldb, dir, stanza)
| `Theory (mldb, dir, stanza) -> (
match coq_db.resolve name with
| `Not_found -> `Hidden
| `Theory _ | `Redirect _ -> `Found (mldb, dir, stanza))
| `Theory _ | `Redirect _ | `Stdlib _ | `User_contrib _ ->
`Found_stanza (mldb, dir, stanza))

let resolve coq_db ~coq_lang_version (loc, name) =
match find coq_db ~coq_lang_version name with
| `Not_found -> Error.theory_not_found ~loc name
| `Hidden -> Error.hidden_without_composition ~loc name
| `Found (db, dir, stanza) ->
| `Found_stanza (db, dir, stanza) ->
let open Memo.O in
let+ theory = create_from_stanza coq_db db dir stanza in
let+ theory = create_from_stanza coq_db db ( dir) stanza in
let open Resolve.O in
let* (_ : (Loc.t * Lib.t) list) = theory.libraries in
let+ (_ : (Loc.t * lib) list) = theory.theories in
| `Found_lib lib -> Resolve.Memo.return lib

include R
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,6 +413,150 @@ module DB = struct theories ~f:(resolve ~coq_lang_version db)
Resolve.O.(theories >>= top_closure)

let empty_db =
let resolve _ = `Not_found in
{ parent = None; resolve; boot = None }

let stdlib_lib ~coqlib =
let theories_dir =
Path.append_local coqlib (Path.Local.of_string "theories")
@@ { loc = Loc.none
; boot = Resolve.return None
; id = Id.create ~path:theories_dir ~name:(Coq_lib_name.of_string "Coq")
; implicit = true (* TODO do we want to keep implicit for now? *)
; use_stdlib = false
; src_root = theories_dir
; obj_root = theories_dir
; theories = Resolve.return [] (* Stdlib has no theories deps *)
; libraries =
(* Stdlib does have some libraries deps, but these can be ignored *)
Resolve.return []
; theories_closure =
(* The closure of the theories deps is empty *)
lazy (Resolve.return [])
; package =
None (* TODO: this should be the coq package (or coq-stdlib?) *)

(* This generates a map indexed by Coq_lib_names which pick out subdirectories
recursively using the coq_lib_name. This is used only for scanning
user-contrib and gernating "theories" from the existing directories. *)
let rec subdirectory_map name dir : Path.t Coq_lib_name.Map.t Memo.t =
(* Printf.printf "Making subdirectory map: %s %s\n" (Coq_lib_name.to_string name)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dir); *)
let open Memo.O in
(* TODO using exn here; remove *)
let* dir_exists = Fs_memo.path_kind (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn dir) in
match dir_exists with
| Ok Unix.S_DIR -> (
let* dir_contents =
Fs_memo.dir_contents (Path.as_outside_build_dir_exn dir)
match dir_contents with
| Ok x ->
let dir_files =
List.filter_map (Fs_cache.Dir_contents.to_list x)
~f:(fun (file, kind) ->
match kind with
| Unix.S_DIR -> Some file
| _ -> None)
let prefix_entries = Coq_lib_name.Map.singleton name dir in
let+ subdirs_entries = dir_files ~f:(fun file ->
let name = Coq_lib_name.append name file in
let dir = Path.append_local dir (Path.Local.of_string file) in
subdirectory_map name dir)
|> Memo.all
(prefix_entries :: subdirs_entries)
~init:Coq_lib_name.Map.empty ~f:Coq_lib_name.Map.union_exn
| Error _ ->
(* TODO Ignore errors for now *)
Memo.return Coq_lib_name.Map.empty)
| Error x ->
[ Pp.text "System error encountered when finding coqlib:"
; Unix_error.Detailed.pp x
| _ ->
Code_error.raise "subdirectory_map: dir does not exist"
[ ("name", Coq_lib_name.to_dyn name); ("dir", Path.to_dyn dir) ]

let lib_of_user_contrib_name name path : lib =
{ loc = Loc.none
; boot = Resolve.return None
; id = Id.create ~name ~path
; implicit = false
; use_stdlib = false
; src_root = path
; obj_root = path
; theories =
Resolve.return [] (* These may exist but we can't know about them *)
; libraries =
Resolve.return [] (* These may exist but we can't know about them *)
; theories_closure =
lazy (Resolve.return [])
(* These may exist but we can't know about them *)
; package =
(* For now user-contrib entries will not be associated with a package *)

let from_coqlib ~coqlib =
let open Memo.O in
let* stdlib = stdlib_lib ~coqlib in
let* subdirs_map =
let user_contrib =
Path.append_local coqlib (Path.Local.of_string "user-contrib")
subdirectory_map Coq_lib_name.empty user_contrib
let resolve coq_lib_name =
let looking_for_stdlib =
( coq_lib_name (Coq_lib_name.of_string "Coq"))
match looking_for_stdlib with
| true -> `Stdlib stdlib
| false -> (
Coq_lib_name.Map.find subdirs_map coq_lib_name |> function
| Some path ->
`User_contrib (lib_of_user_contrib_name coq_lib_name path)
| None -> `Not_found)
Memo.return { parent = None; resolve; boot = None }

let installed (context : Context.t) =
let open Memo.O in
(* First we find coqc so we can query it *)
Context.which context "coqc" >>= function
| None ->
(* If no coqc can be found then we cannot have any installed theories, so
we return an empty database *)
Memo.return empty_db
| Some coqc ->
(* Next we setup the query for coqc --config *)
let* coq_config = Coq_config.make ~coqc:(Ok coqc) in
(* Now we query for coqlib *)
let coqlib =
Coq_config.by_name coq_config "coqlib" |> function
| Some coqlib -> (
coqlib |> function
| Coq_config.Value.Path p -> p (* We have found a path for coqlib *)
| coqlib ->
(* This should never happen *)
Code_error.raise "coqlib is not a path"
[ ("coqlib", Coq_config.Value.to_dyn coqlib) ])
| None ->
(* This happens if the output of coqc --config doesn't include coqlib *)
User_error.raise [ Pp.text "coqlib not found from coqc --config" ]
from_coqlib ~coqlib

let theories_closure t = Lazy.force t.theories_closure
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/coq_lib.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ val implicit : t -> bool
(** ml libraries *)
val libraries : t -> (Loc.t * Lib.t) list Resolve.t

val src_root : t -> Path.Build.t
val src_root : t -> Path.t

val obj_root : t -> Path.Build.t
val obj_root : t -> Path.t

val package : t -> Package.t option

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,4 +56,6 @@ module DB : sig
-> (Loc.t * Coq_lib_name.t) list
-> coq_lang_version:Dune_sexp.Syntax.Version.t
-> lib list Resolve.Memo.t

val installed : Context.t -> t Memo.t
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ let compare =

let to_string x = String.concat ~sep:"." x

let of_string x = String.split ~on:'.' x

let empty = []

let to_list x = x

let append x y = x @ [ y ]

let to_dir x = String.concat ~sep:"/" x

let wrapper x = to_string x
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/coq/coq_lib_name.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ val decode : (Loc.t * t) Dune_lang.Decoder.t
(* to be removed in favor of encode / decode *)
val to_string : t -> string

val of_string : string -> t

val to_list : t -> string list

val append : t -> string -> t

val empty : t

val pp : t -> t Pp.t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
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