This is the project page for RO, the OBO Relations Ontology
RO is a collection of relations intended primarily for standardization across ontologies in the OBO Foundry and wider OBO library. It incorporates ROCore upper-level relations such as part of as well as biology-specific relationship types such as develops from.
This is the main PURL for the ontology:
For all download products, see the RO OBO page
Currently the optimal way to browse RO is to use Protege and inspect ro.owl
See the list of relations on OntoBee -- note that sometimes OntoBee fails to display the full hierarchy
Please cite RO by its GitHub URL or its Zenodo DOI, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.32899 .
Use the GitHub issue tracker and/or the obo-relations mailing list.
Please see our page on Contributing to RO.