This is a kubernetes cronjob with pushes one zabbix (history) metric to a cachet metric.
- ZABBIXAPI - zabbix api url {https://zabbix.domain/zabbix//api_jsonrpc.php}
- ZAPIUSER - zabbix api user
- ZAPIPASS - zabbi api password
- ITEMID - zabbix item id
- ITEMTYPE - item type, required for API requests to history
- CACHETAPI - your cachethq url {https://cachethq.domain/api/v1/}, pay attention on trailing slash
- CACHET_TOKEN - your cachethq user token
0 - numeric float;
1 - character;
2 - log;
3 - numeric unsigned;
4 - text. - VALUESCOUNT - zabbix values to get from history
- METRICID - cachet metricid
- CACHETAPI - cachet api url
- CACHET_TOKEN - cachet access token