Here are the components around EO programming language and the 𝜑-calculus it's based on, including:
- /eo is a canonical transpiler of EO programs to Java (start here!)
- /sandbox is where you can play with a ready-to-use simple EO program
- /eo-intellij-plugin is EO plugin for JetBrains IDEs
- /eoc is a command line toolkit for compiling and running EO programs
- /home is where we keep EO sources of all "canonical" objects
- /try-phi is an online interpreter of 𝜑-calculus expressions
- /eo-vscode is EO plugin for Visual Studio
Our blog with recent news is here: Read our academic papers. Read the book about EO.
Our Twitter tag is #eolang. This is what Hacker News thinks about us.
If you want to discuss, join our Slack workspace and Telegram chat.
By the way, here is the list of things we still don't have time to implement. You can help!