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ObjectBox Swift Integration Test

How to run the tests

With you can run several integration tests for ObjectBox Swift. To test the latest version available from Cocoapods, simply run the script without any parameters:


Another typical example to reset all files (the script calls something like git clean -fdx and git reset --hard) and specify a particular ObjectBox version to test:

./ --clean -v 1.6.0

If all works out you should see something like this in your Terminal:


_  //  ALL DONE (Thu Feb 25 11:43:58 CET 2021)

To learn more about the test script, use the --help parameter, which prints something like this:

$ ./ --help
Usage: [options] {project-directory}

-v, --version:  specify version for the Podfile/Cartfile
-s, --source:   specify source repository for the Podfile/Cartfile
-S, --staging:  use the staging source repository for the Podfile/Cartfile
-f, --file:     only create Podfile/Cartfile
-c, --carthage: use Carthage instead of CocoaPods
--carthage-bin: use the packaged Carthage executable from our bin dir
--clean:        cleans all added/modified files to reset the state to a fresh
git checkout. Warning: Data may be LOST!!
Does something like 'git clean -fdx && git reset --hard'
--skip:         specify a project to skip
--framework:    specify a HTTPS URL to an uploaded framework to be tested
(this creates a local Cartfile pointing to the URL)

What is this doing?

The process for each project is like this:

  1. Plain Xcode project and sources checked in without pods; ensure this "fresh" state when running on the CI machine
  2. Add ObjectBox pods by running the usual commands as described in the docs (pod init, manual Podfile edits, pod install, setup.rb)
  3. Build the project and its unit tests and run the latter

This is an example Podfile for a project called "obxtest2":

source ''

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'obxtest2' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for obxtest2
  pod 'ObjectBox', '~> 1.5.0'


To get to a Podfile like that (and use it) consider this sequence:

  1. Ensure no pod related files are on the file system (e.g. left-overs from last run)
  2. cd into the project dir and run pod init to get an initial Podfile for the given project
  3. Adjust the Podfile
    1. Insert source '' as the first line
    2. Find the line containing # Pods and insert pod 'ObjectBox', '~> 1.0.0-rc.3' after it
  4. Run Pods/ObjectBox/setup.rb (still in the project dir)
  5. Now that the pods are prepared for the project, build the project using the Xcode workspace

TODO: add unit tests to the plain Xcode projects and execute them in CI


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