This bot helps to fix financial expenses on the basis of which it builds monthly reports.
Main functions:
- accounting of income and expenses
- generating monthly reports
The vault is used for:
- storage of sensitive configuration parameters
- storage of financial expenses and income
- storing user authorization events
├── Dockerfile ### Manifest for building docker-image
├── LICENSE ### License info
├── ### The file you're reading now
├── ### All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
├── ### Main file with code this project
├── docker-compose.yml ### Manifest for building and running project with all dependencies
├── requirements.txt ### List of python dependencies
└── doc ### Directory with content for documentation
├── bot-preview.gif # Gif animation with a demonstration of the work of bots
─── src ### Extended modules
├── # A code file containing a class and methods for processing the entered data and saving them to vault
└── # A code file containing a class and methods for generating beautiful messages with responses
2 directory, 9 files
Vault server - a storage of secrets for bot with kv v2 engine
Telegram bot api token - instructions for creating bot and getting a token of api
Variable | Description | Default |
Approve-id created during vault setup | not set |
Approve-secret-id created during vault setup | not set |
The address at which the vault server will be available to the bot | http://vault-server:8200 |
The name of the bot | telegram-assistent |
The point of mounting secrets in the vault | secretv2 |
- Building and launching docker container with vault-server
docker-compose up -d vault-server
- Configuration vault-server
# Go to the interactive shell of the vault container
docker exec -ti vault-server sh
# Init vault server
vault operator init
# Login in vault-server with root token
# ${VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN} - Root token for vault login. Substitute your own value instead of a variable. The root token was received in the output at the previous step
vault login ${VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN} -address=
# Enabling secret engine - kv version 2
vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=secretv2 kv
# Enabling auth with approle method
vault auth enable approle
### ${BOT_NAME} - your bot's name. Substitute your own value instead of a variable. For example: "telegram-assistent"
# Write policy rules to file in container
tee ${BOT_NAME}-policy.htl <<EOF
path "secretv2/config" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "list"]
path "secretv2/data/${BOT_NAME}-config/config" {
capabilities = ["read", "list"]
path "secretv2/data/${BOT_NAME}-data/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "list"]
path "secretv2/metadata/${BOT_NAME}-data/*" {
capabilities = ["read", "list"]
path "secretv2/data/${BOT_NAME}-login-events/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update"]
# Creating policy for approle
vault policy write ${BOT_NAME}-policy ${BOT_NAME}-policy.htl
# Creating approle for bot
vault write auth/approle/role/${BOT_NAME}-approle role_name="${BOT_NAME}-approle" policies="${BOT_NAME}-policy" secret_id_num_uses=0 token_num_uses=0 token_type=default token_ttl=720h token_policies="${BOT_NAME}-policy" bind_secret_id=true token_no_default_policy=true
# Creating secret-id by approle (the secret-id received after executing the command will be required for the bot to work)
vault write auth/approle/role/${BOT_NAME}-approle/secret-id role_name="${BOT_NAME}-approle" metadata="bot=${BOT_NAME}"
# Reading role-id (the role-id received after executing the command will be required for the bot to work)
vault read auth/approle/role/${BOT_NAME}-approle/role-id
- Loading the config for the bot (in the interactive shell of the vault container)
# Uploading the bot configuration containing sensitive data to the vault
# ${TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN} - your bot's api token
# ${YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID} - telegram id of your account for authorization of messages sent by the bot (whitelist)
vault kv put secretv2/${BOT_NAME}-config/config b_token="${TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN}" whitelist="${YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID}"
# Loading report categories (to summarize expenses by category). For example:
vault kv put secretv2/${BOT_NAME}-data/categories "mandatory payments"="['credit for the car', 'rent an apartment', 'utilities', 'mobile communication','subscriptions']" food="['supermarket', 'fresh vegetables', 'bakery products']" cat="['cat food','filler']"
### Exiting the container shell ###
- Setting environment variables in the host OS (the required values must be obtained at the vault configuration step)
expot BOT_VAULT_APPROLE_ID="change_me"
- Running bot
docker-compose up -d ${BOT_NAME}
- Viewing logs
docker logs -f ${BOT_NAME}
You need an already running and configured vault to use the approle and kv v2 engine
- Installing python requirements
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Uploading the bot configuration containing sensitive data to the vault
# ${TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN} - your bot's api token
# ${YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID} - telegram id of your account for authorization of messages sent by the bot (whitelist)
vault kv put secretv2/${BOT_NAME}-config/config b_token="${TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN}" whitelist="${YOUR_TELEGRAM_ID}"
- Setting environment variables in the host OS (the required values must be obtained at the vault configuration step)
expot BOT_VAULT_APPROLE_ID="change_me"
- Running bot
export BOT_VERSION=v1.0.0
export BOT_NAME="telegram-assistent"
docker build -t${GITHUB_USERNAME}/${BOT_NAME}:${BOT_VERSION} . --build-arg BOT_NAME=${BOT_NAME}