This is an implementation of a simple MIDI to Trigger converter using a Atmel Attiny2313 microprocessor. Each Note-On Event in a given MIDI Note Range is converted into a Trigger Signal of 5 V.
The current Note Range is 8 Notes from middle C (MIDI-Channel 5 - see Makefile for more info). I was able to reuse a lot of sourcecode from my AVR MIDI-CV converter here... which is nice.
It also supports multitrigger/flames via velocity: there are 16 pre-defined flame pattern and velocity of 127 gives you a simple trigger.
If you want to see the MIDI to Trigger converter in action (also hearing the flame pattern): video of the SDSV clone i built
The code has been tested with my SDS5 clone and works fine. The code has been tested with an oscilloscope and seems to work fine.