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Environment | World Building Atom Workflow Test Plan

Neil Widmaier edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

Note: Document is a work in progress, and is in the process of being updated.

1.1 Preface Information

  • Owners/Points of Contact
  • Resources
  • Applicable Components

1.2 Feature Workflow

  • Preparation & Prefabs
  • Workflow Steps
  1. Physical Sky
  2. Placing multiple Diffuse GI Probes and Reflection Probes in a level 
  3. Deferred Fog
  4. Multi-Layer Materials
  5. Decals

Preface Information

Owners/Points of Contact

List of applicable owners. 

Primary QAE Neil Widmaier
Secondary QAE NAME

Add any pertinent information here for documentation / Epics / Jira labels and filters here.

Description Link
Description Link
--- ---
[Notable Document / Jira Filter / Etc.] [Link goes here]
Applicable Components
  1. Physical Sky
  2. Post Processing Volumes & Layers
  3. Multiple Reflection Probe
  4. Multiple Diffuse GI Grids
  5. Deferred Fog
  6. Multi-Layer Materials
  7. Decals

2 Feature Workflow

State the goal of the workflow here. What will be covered in the workflow | What does it test | How will it look in the end (You can post a screenshot of a completed workflow here as a guide)

2.1 Preparation & Prefabs

List any necessary steps that must be done beforehand.

Include any prefabs that can be used to make putting together the workflow easier.

2.2 Workflow Steps

Create a step-by-step guide for the workflow. The steps themselves should be simple, and the workflow should be comprehensive.

Physical Sky

  • Create a new level
  • Select the Shaderball entity
  • Set the material component to "basic_m10_r-2" 
  • Add three new entities to the level, add a mesh asset to each (such as: "lucy_high.fbx", "bunny.fbx", and "suzanne.fbx")
  • Add a different material to each, try to vary the reflective and roughness of the materials 
  • Place one object close to the shadershphere and on the same plane (about 1.5-2.5 meters), one at medium (about 3-4 meters), one further away (about 8-9 meters)
  • Delete the Global Sky element
  • Add a new entity to the level, give it a Physical Sky component
  • Level should look similar to this:


  • Change the Sky Intensity slider and observe change in level

Sky Intensity 0.65


 Sky Intensity 4.5

Sky_intensity_4 5

  • Change Sky back to Intensity to 4.0
  • Change the Sun Intensity slider and observe change in level

Sun Intensity 3.5

Sun_intent_3 5

Sun Intensity -4


  • Change Sun Intensity back to 8
  • Adjust Turbidity value from 1-10, observe color change in sky
  • Set Turbidity back to 1
  • Adjust Sun Radius Factor from 0.1 - 2.0, observe change in sun
  • Change Sun Radius Factor back to 1.0
  • Enable Fog
  • Change Fog color, increase top height, and bottom height
    Example of fog:


Steps to create a modular Physical Sky. (Had help from Jonny after asking why no light cam from the Physical Sky)

  • Create Entity

  • Zero out transforms

  • Add Physical Sky Component

  • Add Deferred Fog Component

  • Add PostFX Layer

  • Add the Sun under this Entity (Make the new Physical Sky Entity the parent)

  • Zero out the Sun Transforms

Now you will have a modular Physical Sky, see image:


Placing multiple Diffuse GI Probes and Reflection Probes in a level 

  • Create a new level
  • Select the Shaderball entity
  • Set the material component to "basic_m10_r-2"
  • Copy 
  • Add six or more new entities to the level, add a mesh asset to each (such as: "lucy_high.fbx", "bunny.fbx", and "suzanne.fbx")
  • Add a different material to each, try to vary the reflective and roughness of the materials
  • Move each around the origin on the XY plane, for 1-10 meters 

Deferred Fog

  • Create a new level
  • Select the Shaderball entity
  • Set the material component to "basic_m10_r-2"
  • Add three to six new entities to the level, add a mesh asset to each (such as: "lucy_high.fbx", "bunny.fbx", and "suzanne.fbx")
  • Add a different material to each, try to vary the reflective and roughness of the materials
  • Move each around the origin on the XY plane, for 1-10 meters 
  • Add a new Entity to the level named "Fog"
  • Add a "Deferred Fog" component to the entity and the required PostFX Layer
  • Change the Fog color, and adjust the Fog Start Distance to around 5 and Fog End Distance to around 15


  • Turn on "Enable Fog Layer" and "Enable Turbulence Layer"
  • Change noise texture
  •  Adjust each of the noise settings, observe the result



  • Adjust the "Octave Blend Factor" observe the result



Multi-Layer Materials

In Blender, Maya or Max add Multi UVs Maps (Sets) to your mesh object.


Export an .FBX

In o3de:

Drag the FBX into the scene.

Under the Entity, Add the Material Component.

Launch the o3de material O3DE Material Editor

Under File > New


Select the Standard MultilayerPBR Material.

After playing around with this Material Type, I think it has opportunities to be more intuitive, also has some broken areas I will report as bugs.


  • Use AutomatedTesting as the active project.
  • Launch Editor, create a new level
  • Add an entity, and assign a mesh component to it
  • Assign the cone.fbx to the mesh component, and give it a non-reflective material
  • Create two more entities, and add decal components to each
  • Assign the first decal to the material "airship_symbol_decal"
  • Assign the first decal to the material "airship_nose_number_decal"
  • Move the first decal near the cone, and rotate until it project on the cone



  • Adjust Attenuation Angle observe change in icon (should become more opaque at lower values)
  • Adjust Opacity observe change in icon (should become more opaque/transparent up to the limit of Attenuation Angle)
  • Move the other decal so it projects on the cone, on top of the first decal
  • Set both decal's Attenuation Angle to 0.0
  • Adjust the Sort key of each decal, confirm that the decal with the lower key is obscured by the decal with the higher key

