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Standard tools and protocols for MiSeq amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA genes (OTU output)


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Gloor Lab dada2 pipeline for processing Illumina 16S reads


This pipeline will take your paired fastq reads (from Illumina MiSeq or HiSeq) and generate an OTU counts table with an approximate taxonomy assignment. The reads have to have been generated using Gloor Lab Illumina SOP so that the reads are paired, overlapping, and contain the barcode and primer information (have not been demultiplexed or had primers or barcodes removed).

This is a replacement workflow for the old scripts The overlapping and OTU generation is now completed by dada2 (scroll down to see the readme) rather than pandaseq + USEARCH.

This pipeline was modified from the dada2 tutorial for Illumina reads. There are some examples on this page on how to interpret the QC plots and how to choose parameters.

Getting your data from LRGC

  • All Illumina MiSeq/NextSeq runs are posted to BaseSpace. You need an account to view your run (speak to David Carter)
  • BaseSpace gives you a quality report on your run - you should have a look

If you are woking on cjelli (server), make sure you have an account and a working directory (see below) * See Jean or Greg if you need an account and a working dir

The file to download will be several Gb. Download to your machine and copy to cjelli (if you have enough bandwidth) or come into the Gloor lab to download directly to cjelli

Setup your working directory

All projects on cjelli are located on /Volumes/longlunch/seq/LRGC/YourUserName

***BEFORE YOU PUT YOUT DATA ON cjelli PLEASE COMPLETE A PROJECT SUBMISSION FORM HERE: If you do not have a project form, your data will be removed. ***

  1. Make a directory for your current study/run (usually named by your study name) - THIS IS YOUR WORKING DIRECTORY
  • Example working directory: /Volumes/longlunch/seq/LRGC/jean/study1
    • If you do not have a working dir on cjelli in /Groups/LRGC/ then ASK.
    • DO NOT use someone else's working directory, or put data in your home directory
  1. Make sure you have in your working directory:
  2. A copy of dada2_workflow.R - This will be the version you will modify for your own data - IMPORTANT! Make sure your code is clean and commented. This script is needed to write up your methods or to replicate your data analysis
  3. A reads directory containing your downloaded fastq reads (see below)
  4. A samples.txt file outlining your samples and barcodes you used for amplifications (see below for format)

To unzip your Illumina reads file, use the command line:

	7z e filename.gz.tar
	#(if you have 7zip installed)
	gzip -d filename.fastq.gz

	#If you download from the Robarts dataserver
	#move the .gz files into reads/
	gunzip *.gz
  • The format is tab-delimited, plain text, Unicode UTF-8. and UNIX line feeds (see the samples.txt in example_files) The headers will not change:
BC_L BC_R sample Lpri Rpri Group
ccttggaa ccaaggtt sample_1 V4L5 V5R1 vaginal_study
  • BC_L - the barcode sequence of your left primer
  • BC_R - the barcode sequence of your right primer
  • sample - the name of your sample (You must have unique sample names for every barcode set). DO NOT USE DASHES IN YOUR SAMPLE NAMES. Only lower/upper alphabet characters (a to z, and A to Z), numerics (0 to 9), or underscore _
  • Lpri - the name of the left primer
  • Rpri - the name of the right primer
  • Group - which study the sample belongs to

Setup your scripts and paths

On cjelli

If you are running this pipeline on cjelli, the programs are already installed and the scripts you need are already available in /Volumes/data/longlunch/seq/LRGC/miseq_bin DO NOT MAKE MORE COPIES

On your own machine

If you are running on your own machine, you will need to download this entire github repository and ensure your paths in dada2_workflow.R point to the correct place to run the scripts. Note: You will likely not be able to run this pipeline on a laptop due to memory/cpu requirements

You will also need to install

You will need to download

  • The Silva non-redundant training set e.g. silva_nr_v123_train_set.fa.gz
Some things to keep in mind
  • Do not make multiple copies of the scripts, your reads, etc. We have limited disk space and will delete as necessary
  • Do not rename original files (e.g. reads) because we won't be able to tell where they originated from

Running the pipeline

Step 1: Demultiplex the samples (BASH shell)
  • You need to be IN your working directory, your reads should be in reads, and your samples.txt should be in your working directory
  • Make sure you use the correct name for the primer set you used e.g. V4EMB. See the list of available primers here

$BIN/ samples.txt reads/R1_001.fastq reads/R2_001.fastq V4EMB

#Change the names of R1_001.fastq and R2_001.fastq to match your file names - do not change your actual file names

You will have a forward and reverse fastq per sample/barcode in a directory called demultiplex_reads, and a file called key_file.txt. Sequence files will be named sampleID-LBarcode-RBarcode-R1.fastq

Step 2: Run the dada2 workflow (in R)

You should have have a working copy of dada2_workflow.R where you have made the necessary changes to match your data.

The first time you run the pipeline you may want to do so "line-by-line" (i.e. copy and paste each line to execute) to ensure each step completes before going to the next step.

A note about taxonomy assignment

The script includes a default method of taxonomy assignment (using the SILVA database) BUT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THIS ONLY AN APPROXIMATE OR "ROUGH ESTIMATE" OF TAXONOMY. This may not be the ideal database to get the best taxonomy assignment for your data. You may want to re-assign your taxonomy at a different point.

See notes about assigning taxonomy with dada2 here:


The main output you will use for downstream analysis are:

  • OTU counts table with taxonomic assignments (e.g.)
  • OTU sequence lookup table (e.g.)


PLEASE cleanup files you don't need after running the workflow and completing your analysis. IT WILL OTHERWISE BE REMOVED AT SOME LATER TIME POINT WITHOUT WARNING AND WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST DATA. This is a shared server....we can't keep everything forever

Common problems

  • All files (samples.txt, otu_table, etc.) must be UTF-8 with Unix newline characters. It should be tab-delimited
  • Check that your paths are correct! If you don't understand relative and absolute paths...get help!
  • Use only the following characters to name your samples, table headers, and directories:
    • a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ (underscore). DO NOT USE DASHES IN YOUR SAMPLE NAMES
    • Avoid brackets and spaces in naming

Questions to consider

  • Do you know what primers you used? Which variable region(s) do they span?
  • What is an OTU? What does your OTU seed sequence represent?
  • What database should you use to assign taxonomy? What threshold? Do you trust it?
  • What is your hypothesis? What are you trying to compare/ask/examine?
  • Do you have enough samples to test your hypotheses? Do you trust your data?
    • Think about: how variable are my data? Does what I see make sense based on what I know about the biological system?


  • Greg Gloor constructed the initial data2 workflow
  • Jean Macklaim compiled the documentation and cleaned up the code


dada2 tutorial:

Taxonomy assignment and databases for dada2:

Another tutorial by J. Bisanz


Standard tools and protocols for MiSeq amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA genes (OTU output)







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