Various things related to 3D printing.
Use at your own risk.
filament usage grafana dashboard about filament usage by using esp32 + load cell
Linux thumbnails generate thumbnails for file managers such as Thunar (XFCE4)
Node-Red PrusaLink status to Slack use Node Red to check printer status via Prusa Link and send status change to Slack via webhook
obico-ml-api-only run Obico ML API without anything, so you can use it with other projects. Also script to draw detections on images.
picamera-web python picamera2 exposed via web (gunicorn)
rpi csi camera <-- python --> gunicorn --> web clients
allows to access Raspberry Pi CSI cameras as snapshots via web url nicely integrates with obico-ml-api-only
prusa-connect-proxy run Prusa printer through HTTP proxy and capture whatever it does!
printer <-- http --> proxy <-- https -->
prusa-link-no-password access Prusa printer through HTTP proxy so you don't have to type in password
your laptop <-- http --> proxy injecting auth <-- http --> printer
prusa3d-help-pdf-generator BROKEN since 2025.02.19 when Prusa changed layout of their pages generate PDF files from Prusa3d help articles, for example for offline read
prusa3d-metrics-list get metrics that can be send from PrusaFirmwareBuddy devices to syslog server
stl-to-png Use PrusaSlicer to generate images per slice, useful for woodworks.