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wimpunk edited this page Jan 3, 2015 · 12 revisions

In ubuntu 12.04+

Ubuntu users can install everpad from ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install everpad

Other linux

You need to install alternatives for ubuntu packages:

python-pyside.qtcore, python-pyside.qtgui, python-dbus, python-beautifulsoup, python-pysqlite2, 
python-keyring, python-support, python-sqlalchemy, python-oauth2, python-magic,
python-pyside.qtwebkit, python-html2text, gtk2-engines-pixbuf, python-regex, python-setuptools

And optionaly:

sni-qt, python-unity-singlet

On Debian I also had to run

apt-get install cmake qmake libqt4-dev python-dev

Clone repository and install everpad:

git clone
cd everpad
python install

Gnome shell

You can find everpad in notification area:

notification area

For tray icon you need to install Top icons extension.