Basic implementation of a content-spinner
The package is not yet available in hex. If you need it please reach out through an issue :)
def deps do
{:content_spinner, git: ""}
iex> ContentSpinner.spin([["Hey there !", "Hello !"], " We are doing content spinning"])
# "Hello ! We are doing content spinning"
iex> template = ["[", {:now, :iso}, "] : ", ["Hello ", "Hey "], :surname, ", here is your timestamp : ", {:now, :timestamp}]
iex> data = %{ surname: "Jon" }
iex> translator = fn
:surname, passed_data -> passed_data.surname
{:now, :iso}, _data -> DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_iso8601()
{:now, :timestamp}, _data -> DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix()
iex> ContentSpinner.spin(template, data, translator)
# "[2022-02-07T09:41:39.500345Z] : Hello Jon, here is your timestamp : 1644226899"
We are interested. Please reach out :)