ViewModel implementation focused on applying the MVVM architectural pattern and the State Reduction approach in developing a Kotlin Jetpack Compose Desktop application
- CloseableCoroutineScope
- ViewModel
- StateViewModel
val coroutinesVersion = "1.6.4"
val auth = module {
factory { GetUserId(get()) }
single { AuthViewModel(get()) }
Use case example implementation:
class GetUserId<T> constructor(
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
arg: Unit,
onException: (Exception) -> Unit,
onResult: (T) -> Unit = {}
) : UseCase<Unit, T>()
Sealed class as state:
sealed class AuthState private constructor() {
object Unauthenticated : AuthState()
object Authenticating : AuthState()
data class Authenticated(val userId: String? = null) : AuthState()
class AuthViewModel constructor(
private val getUserId: GetUserId
) : StateViewModel<AuthState>(AuthState.Unauthenticated) {
fun authenticate() = getUserId.invoke(viewModelScope, Unit, onException) { flow ->
updateState { AuthState.Authenticating }
viewModelScope.launch {
flow.collect { id ->
updateState {
id?.let { AuthState.Authenticated(id) } ?: AuthState.Unauthenticated
Data class as state:
data class AuthState(val userId: String? = null)
class AuthViewModel constructor(
private val getUserId: (CoroutineScope, Unit, (Exception) -> Unit, (Flow<String?>) -> Unit) -> Unit
) : StateViewModel<AuthState>(AuthState()) {
fun authenticate() = getUserId.invoke(viewModelScope, Unit, onException) { flow ->
viewModelScope.launch {
flow.collect { id ->
updateState {
it.copy(userId = id)