The Osoyoos launcher is an application that can be used to easily interact with various HEK toolsets from a simple GUI. Profiles can be created to run released or community modified toolsets.
The following profiles are or will be supported by this launcher:
- Halo Custom Edition
- Halo Custom Edition - Open Sauce (W.I.P.)
- Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary MCC (H1A-MCC)
- Halo 2 Vista
- Halo 2 Vista - H2Codez
- Halo 2 Classic MCC
- Halo 3 MCC
- Halo 3: ODST MCC
- Halo Reach
- Halo 4 MCC
- Halo 2 Anniversary MCC
Launcher can do the following:
- Import and light levels
- Import text tags
- Import bitmap tags
- Import model tags
- Import sound tags
- Package scenario tags
- Create profiles to manage many different toolsets from one UI
- Run a Guerilla or Sapien instance from the UI
- Run tool commands from the UI or open command prompt in the root of the toolkit
- Automatically generate blank .shader tags for new models to save you time (H2/H3/ODST)
- Rebuild broken FMOD banks (H3/ODST)
- Download and install the latest .NET 8 Desktop Runtime x64.
- Download and run the launcher executable from Github releases.
- Use the setup dialog and/or profile wizard to setup the paths for all toolkits you wish to use.
The reference managedblam assembly is not covered by the MIT license and is instead covered by the MCC EULA and/or the fair dealing/fair use exemption. This reference assembly is automatically generated from the public interface of a closed source binary and contains no executable code and is only used for the purpose of interoperability.
If you found this software useful and have some spare change feel free to donate using Github Sponsors for a one-time donation or via Liberapay for recurring donations (as that platform allows the donations to be split automatically). Donors do not receive anything in return, but any support is appreciated.
Discord user num0005#8646 (
- For setting the foundation that this launcher is based on.
The contributors behind the Halo 2 Toolkit Launcher.
- For helping out.
- Halo 2 Toolkit Launcher
Discord user General_101#9814 (
- For contributing to some launcher features, documentation and real world testing.
Discord user con#4702 (
- For valuable alpha testing and feedback.
343i, Bungie and many others for their work on Halo and MCC (