- symbol
- industry
- time period
- free cash flow to firm (fcff) valuation:
- et asset valuation
- financial ratio: p/e, p/b
- year over year growth rate
- what if analysis to build financial model
- candle signal
- macd, sma, rsi, volume signal
file name: TA_Lib-0.4.21-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
pip install -r requirements.txt
link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bCgw5kKVVOLYC3QKsSSrR3_KIb1JAmn_?usp=sharing
- in power bi: parameter in utility
- in python code: /test/x.py
- script switch_dir.py
- script etl.py : only need to load daily data
- Note: you can build this project as wheel file, then install vn_stock_analysis wheel file, then you don't need to run switch_dir.py
in power bi, go to tab : Export Forecast Data export to location: data/pbi/finance_data_year_forecast.csv
- if eps = 0 then eps = eps average all period
- if eps average > 4000 then eps average = 4000
- if eps average < -4000 then eps average = -4000
- return rate of market = return of vnindex 21 year
- Selenium
- OLAP cubes
- Technical Analysis
- Fundamental Analysis
below part is in progress (to be completed)
- technical analysis
- fundamental analysis
- HPG with steel
- PNJ with gold
- PVS with VNindex
data source
stock price hourly last 5 day
financial data year end, quarter end
stock price daily: https://finfoapi-hn.vndirect.com.vn/stocks/adPrice?symbols=VNM&fromDate=2015-01-01&toDate=2021-05-31
example template
get data 20 y 1 shot
get data this y daily
VN data: higher prority
firm finance statement
price & volume data
stock symbal mapping: industry
World data:
US stock market
Comodity price
technical analysis
fundamental analysis
benchmark analysis:
regional, global
backtest & strategy efficiency analysis
stock correlation with relevant commodity
write semantic layer data to yearly file
text diagram sttm report template: excel/power bi/web mockup
market gap in stock trading analysis tool
stock valuation tool:
growth assumption
market risk
stock scan based on stock valuation
industry benchmarking tool:
vs us, asean
cash flows actually paid to stockholders
dividend discount model (DDM)
cash flows available for distribution to shareholders
free cash flow to the firm (FCFF)
free cash flow to equity (FCFE)
analysts consider free cash flow models to be more useful than DDMs in practice
Free cash flows provide an economically sound basis for valuation
market multiples
residual income
dividend discount
discounted free cash flow
FCFF models are used roughly twice as frequently as FCFE models
Analysts like to use free cash flow as the return (either FCFF or FCFE)
The company does not pay dividends.
Free cash flows align with profitability within a reasonable forecast period with which the analyst is comfortable.
FCFF = CFO + Int(1 – Tax rate) – FCInv.
FCFE = CFO – FCInv + Net borrowing.
Equity value = Firm value – Market value of debt.
Dividing the total value of equity by the number of outstanding shares gives the value per share.
WACC = (E/V x Re) + ((D/V x Rd) x (1 – T))
E = market value of the firm’s equity (market cap) D = market value of the firm’s debt V = total value of capital (equity plus debt) E/V = percentage of capital that is equity D/V = percentage of capital that is debt Re = cost of equity (required rate of return) Rd = cost of debt (yield to maturity on existing debt) T = tax rate
Re = Rf + β × (Rm − Rf)
Rf = the risk-free rate (typically the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond yield) β = equity beta (levered) Rm = annual return of the market