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  • No due date Last updated over 4 years ago

    List view of unassigned staff members List view of unstaffed rides…

    • List view of unassigned staff members
    • List view of unstaffed rides, vendors, dinosaurs
    • Each dinosaur needs 2 staff members to prevent from getting loose
    • Each ride needs to be staffed to be operational
    • Each vendor needs to be staffed to be operational
    • Calendar view

    User stories:

    • As a user, I should be able to assign a staff member to either a dinosaur, a ride, or a vendor
    • As a user, I should be able to assign a piece of equipment to a staff member
    • As a user, I should be able to see all unassigned staff members to keep slacking to a minimum
    • As a user, I should be able to see all unattended rides, vendors, dinosaurs, and equipment
    • As a user, I should be able to view the schedule in a calendar view

    25% complete
  • No due date Last updated over 4 years ago
  • No due date Last updated over 4 years ago

    As a user, I should be shown a toast whenever the Chaos Monkey st…

    • As a user, I should be shown a toast whenever the Chaos Monkey strikes

    • As a user, I should allow the Chaos Monkey to do one random act for a set interval

    • As a user, the Chaos Monkey should have a chance to break down a random ride

    • As a user, the Chaos Monkey should have a chance to kidnap a random staff member

    • As a user, the Chaos Monkey should have a chance to break a random piece of equipment

    100% complete
  • No due date Last updated over 4 years ago

    -create all issue tickets -assign issue tickets -create all milestones

    -create all issue tickets
    -assign issue tickets
    -create all milestones
    -create firebase project
    -seed data
    -set dates for milestones
    -get used to the existing code base
    -update figma
    -update ERD
    -Check for bugs
    -Issue tickets for bugs

    100% complete
  • No due date Last updated over 4 years ago

    Breakout alarm - if a dinosaur doesn't have enough keepers, alert …

    • Breakout alarm - if a dinosaur doesn't have enough keepers, alert the user
    • Keep a log of all the Chaos Monkey incidents
    • Test Equipment, I should have a button that tests all of my equipment and alerts the user of each equipment that's broken.

    User Stories:

    • As a user, I should be alerted whenever there is a dinosaur that has less than 2 handlers
    • As a user, I should be alerted when the Chaos Monkey strikes, including info on what it did, and to whom.
    • As a user, I should be able to test all the equipment. When I click the button, I should be alerted to each broken piece of equipment