Node(Coordinate) : Define a node
AssignLoad(Direction, Magnitude) : Assign load to the node, direction should be 'x', 'y' or 'z'. 'z' means it is moment.
AssignSupport(Name or Restriction) : Can be input 'fixed', 'pin' or restriction list like [1,1,0] for pin.
AssignSupportSettlement(Direction, Magnitude) : Assign support settlement ot the node, direction should be 'x', 'y' or 'z'. 'z' means it is rotation.
AssignMass(Mass) : Mass should be list according to global coordinate system as [x,y,z_rotation]
Material(Modulus of Elasticity, Thermal Expansion Coefficient) : Define a material
Section(Area, Moment of Inertia, Material) : Define a section
Member(Start Node, End Node, Section) : Define a member.
AssignFEM([d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6]) : Assign FEM with respect to member's local coordinate system.
AssignUniformLoad(Uniformly Distributed Load) : Assign uniformly distributed load perpendicular to the member.
AssignPointLoad(Load, Distance from Start Node) : Assign point load perpendicular to the member.
AssignMoment(Load, Distance from Start Node) : Assign moment load.
AssignThermalLoad(Temperature Change) : Assign axial thermal load to the member. Both cases +dT and -dT should be observed!
AssignThermalLoad(Temperature Change) : Assign axial thermal load to all members. Both cases +dT and -dT should be observed!
displacements : List of displacements for the node
dof : List of dof numbers of the node assigned during equation numbering in the analysis.
load : List of assigned loads.
mass : List of assigned mass.
restriction : List of assigned restrictions.
SupportReactions : List of support reactions for the node.
getInternalForces() : Returns list of internal forces of the member.
stiffness_local() : Returns array of local stiffness matrix of the member.
K : Array of structural striffness matrix.
F : Array of force vector.
u : Array of displement vector.
R : Array of support reactions.
getPeriods() : Returns list of natural periods in length of number of assigned masses.