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CSV and TSV Format

Shinichi Nishimura edited this page Aug 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Sample CSV

1,"Brave New World",100,"1932-01-01",__current__
2,"The Old Man and the Sea",200,"1952-01-01T15:00:00+09:00",__current__

Sample TSV

__key__	Title	Sort	CreatedAt	UpdatedAt
string	string	int	datetime	datetime:noindex
1	"Brave New World"	100	"1932-01-01"	__current__
2	"The Old Man and the Sea"	200	"1952-01-01T15:00:00+09:00"	__current__

Property Names

First line is property names.

__key__ is key value of entity.

Property Types

Second line is property types.

All types are supported:

type detail value example
string "This is string"
int 100
float 3.14
bool true or false true
datatime RFC 3339 formatted datetime 2013-05-14T00:01:00.234Z
blob base64 string iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAA...
null null
geo Geographical point "[""Hardcover"", ""PaperBack""]"
array "[51.507222, -0.1275]"
key "[""class"", ""HumanKind"", ""author"", ""Aldous Huxley""]"
embed "{""Language"": ""English"", ""Pages"": 128 }

If :noindex is attached after type name, the field will not be indexed.


Third and blow lines are entities.

__current__ is replaced by current datetime in execution time.

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