I am a full stack developer with an Open Source mindset. I am an adept of software craftmanship, clean coding, SOLID principles and Domain Driven Development. I am familiar with scalable and maintainable approaches based on microservices, event streaming and hexagonal architecture. I use test driven development, design patterns, DevOps and agile methodology. I am willing to exchange on experience developing software especially web, mobile and blockchain related applications in all industry fields.
Médiateur MSA: a web portal for requesting a referral by the mediator of MSA Insurances in line with European Union legislation on mediation Demo Front end: Angular 6, SASS. Back end: Java, Spring. Application is the work result of a 3 to 4 developers team at SQLI offices in Toulouse between May and July 2019.
Overkill Todo: Minimal Todo List app Demo Source Code Technologies: Angular 9, Angular Material and NgRx. The angular-in-memory-web-api library is used to simulate a real REST API back-end.