- Add automated tests
pip install pyhydroquebec
Print your current data
pyhydroquebec -u MYACCOUNT -p MYPASSWORD
List your current contracts
:: config.yaml PYHQ_OUTPUT=MQTT registry.gitlab.com/ttblt-hass/pyhydroquebec:master
pyhydroquebec -u MYACCOUNT -p MYPASSWORD -l
Print help
usage: pyhydroquebec [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-j] [-i] [-c CONTRACT] [-l] [-H] [-t TIMEOUT] [-V] [--detailled-energy] [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Hydro Quebec username -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password -j, --json Json output -i, --influxdb InfluxDb output -c CONTRACT, --contract CONTRACT Contract number -l, --list-contracts List all your contracts -H, --hourly Show yesterday hourly consumption -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Request timeout -V, --version Show version Detailled-energy raw download option: --detailled-energy Get raw json output download --start-date START_DATE Start date for detailled-output --end-date END_DATE End date for detailled-output
cp config.yaml.sample config.yaml
Note: If 'frequency' is not set the "daemon" will collect the data only one time and stop
Edit config.yaml
MQTT_USERNAME=mqtt_username MQTT_PASSWORD=mqtt_password MQTT_HOST=mqtt_ip MQTT_PORT=mqtt_port CONFIG=config.yaml mqtt_pyhydroquebec
With Docker
MQTT_USERNAME=mqtt_username MQTT_PASSWORD=mqtt_password MQTT_HOST=mqtt_ip MQTT_PORT=mqtt_port CONFIG=config.yaml PYHQ_OUTPUT=MQTT registry.gitlab.com/ttblt-hass/pyhydroquebec:master
Docker image list: https://gitlab.com/ttblt-hass/pyhydroquebec/container_registry
docker run -e PYHQ_USER=*** -e PYHQ_PASSWORD=*** registry.gitlab.com/ttblt-hass/pyhydroquebec:master
- PYHQ_USER - Required
- -e PYHQ_USER=myusername
- PYHQ_PASSWORD - Required
- -e PYHQ_PASSWORD=mypassword
- -e PYHQ_OUTPUT=TEXT - Default
-e PYHQ_CONTRACT=332211223
make env
USERNAME=myhydrousername PASSWORD=myhydropassword tox