Math, Vector and Matrix library for your 3D Swift project / game.
Please keep in mind this is still under development so there may be some things missing.
Because Swift does not currently handles unions, there is no way you can use simd library in your swift project. You can also try to build some wrapper between objC and Swift but why? Currently there is a big lack of any kind of Vector and Matrix lib in Swift so I decided to write my own. (Yeah, GLKit stuff is also removed so no GLKVector , GLMatrix etc.)
- Vector2
- Vector3
- Quaternion
- Matrix33
- Matrix34
- Matrix Utils
- Matrix34 multiply left transpose
- Matrix34 multiply right transpose
Vector operations
//simple calculation:
var sunPosition = Vector3(x: 5.316387,y: -2.408824,z: 0)
var sunVector = Vector3()
var sunColor = Vector3()
var orangeColor = Vector3(x: 1.0, y: 0.5, z: 0.0)
var yellowColor = Vector3(x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.8)
sunVector = Vector3( x: -cosf(sunPosition.x) * sinf(sunPosition.y),
y: -cosf(sunPosition.y),
z: -sinf(sunPosition.x) * sinf(sunPosition.y))
var sun_cosy = sunVector.y
var factor = 0.25 + sun_cosy * 0.75
sunColor = ((orangeColor * (1.0 - factor)) + (yellowColor * factor))
//other example:
let ev = Vector3(other: eye)
let cv = Vector3(other: center)
let uv = Vector3(other: up)
var n: Vector3 = ev + cv
var u: Vector3 = uv.cross(n)
var v: Vector3 = n.cross(u)
var un = Vector3(other: u)
var vn = Vector3(other: v)
var nn = Vector3(other: n)
var m = [u.x, v.x, n.x, 0.0,
u.y, v.y, n.y, 0.0,
u.z, v.z, n.z, 0.0,,,, 1.0]
var vecA = Vector3(value: 1)
var vecB = Vector3(x: 0.3, y: 0.4, z: 0.5)
var rotQuat = Quaternion(angle: Float32(M_PI_2), axis: Vector3(x: 1.0, y: 0.5, z: 0.0))
var vecC = Vector3(x: 0.2, y: 0.2, z: 0.5)
var tramsformed = rotQuat.transform(vecB, p: vecC)
var vecA = Vector3(value: 1)
var rotQuat = Quaternion(x: 0.0, y: 0.5, z: 0.0, w: 1.0)
var rotMatrix = Matrix33(q: rotQuat)
var vecB = rotMatrix * vecA
var rotX = Matrix33()
var rotY = Matrix33()
var rotZ = Matrix33()
var completeRotation = rotX * rotY * rotZ
var outVec = Vector3()
completeRotation.multiply(vecB, dst: &outVec)
var modelMatrix = Matrix34(initialize: true)
var viewMatrix = Matrix34(initialize: true)
var modelView = modelMatrix * viewMatrix
var inverted = Matrix33()
var normalMatrix = Matrix33(other: modelView.M)
if modelView.M.getInverse(&inverted) == true {
Raw Matrix functions
struct matrixStructure {
var projMatrix = Matrix4x4()
var viewMatrix = Matrix4x4()
var normalMatrix = Matrix4x4()
var aspect = Float32(view.frame.size.width/view.frame.size.height)
matrixData.projMatrix = matrix44MakePerspective(degToRad(60), aspect, 0.01, 5000)
var cameraMatrix = matrix44MakeLookAt(eyeVec, eyeVec+dirVec, upVec)
var cameraViewMatrix = Matrix34(initialize: false)
var modelViewMatrix = cameraViewMatrix * (model.modelMatrix * model.modelScale)
Loading data
struct VertexInfo {
var position = Vector3()
var normal = Vector3()
var texCoord = Vector2()
var readStream:NSFileHandle? = NSFileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path)
var data : NSData! = nil
var vertexCount: Uint32 = 0
data = readStream.readDataOfLength(sizeof(UInt32))
data.getBytes(&vertexCount, length:sizeof(UInt32))
var vertexData = [VertexInfo]()
for(int index = 0; index < vertexCount; index++)
var vertexInfo = geometryInfo()
data = readStream.readDataOfLength(sizeof(Vector3))
data.getBytes(&vertexInfo.position, length: sizeof(Vector3))
data = readStream.readDataOfLength(sizeof(Vector2))
data.getBytes(&vertexInfo.texCoord, length: sizeof(Vector2))
data = readStream.readDataOfLength(sizeof(Vector3))
data.getBytes(&vertexInfo.normal, length: sizeof(Vector3))
//println("pos: \(position) normal: \(normal) coord: \(coord)")
var vertexBuffer = device.newBufferWithBytes(vertexData, length:Int(vertexCount) * sizeof(VertexInfo), options:nil)