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A utility for wrapping Adobe Animate HTML5 canvas exports in modern web modules


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Wraps Adobe Animate HTML5 canvas export files in UMD for use in modern JavaScript module ecosystems

Really old Animate CC export versions (2017.2 & below) have been removed from this version. Use [email protected] if you require this support.

Conversion example

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CanvasUmd depends on a global reference to createjs (1.0.0 or higher). That variable must exist before loading in order to work. Despite my best efforts, there's no workable solution for shimming it into a module format.

This library only works in a browser environment currently, CanvasRenderingContext2D support in node sucks and CreateJS depends on specific DOM APIs

var umd = CanvasUmd({ 
    'class-name': 'my_animation'
    'parse-labels': true

convert() appends a footer beneath your Animate export. The string it returns should be saved out in place of your original JS file. Then to import the UMD in the intended project, request the animation just like any other module

* @typedef {Object} CanvasUmd
* @param {Object} composition
* @param {createjs.MovieClip} ExportRoot
* @param {Array<Object>} [frameLabels]

* @param {CanvasUmd} umd
* @return void
const startAnimation = ({ ExportRoot }) => {
  const exportRoot = new ExportRoot();
require(['path/to/animation'], startAnimation);


  • class-name - The alphanumeric representation of your Animate project filename. Note that spaces, hyphens & special characters are filtered out.
  • parse-labels - Experimental Parse out top-level frame labels and add them to exports.frameLabels for static evaluation.


  • Better component organization and no global variables
  • Integrates with AMD loaders
  • Adds frameLabels as a static module property

CanvasUmd parses an original HTML5 canvas export from Animate CC (2017.5 - 2020) to determine the root animation name, composition id, and optionally keyframe labels by creating a temporary instance on intake. From these data an IIFE is appended to the bottom of the original definition, enabling UMD support.

// ... end of original Animate source ...

/* canvasumd:start */
(function (root, factory) {
  if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(['exports'], factory); /* AMD */
  else factory((root.amdWeb = {}));
  /* no CommonJS due to browser api dependencies (CreateJS) */
}(this, function(exports) {
  var c = (function AnimateCC_2017_5_plus(compId) {
    return AdobeAn.compositions[compId];
  var l = c.getLibrary();

  return {
    composition: c,
    ExportRoot: l["wombat"],
    frameLabels: [{"label":"On","position":0},{"label":"Off","position":29}]
/* canvasumd:end */

// EOF


A utility for wrapping Adobe Animate HTML5 canvas exports in modern web modules







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Contributors 3
