Hackathon url: https://gitcoin.co/hackathon/dgov
✷ Submission for the Bounty ☞ https://gitcoin.co/issue/boardroom-inc/dgov-hackathon/2/100026328
✷ https://www.figma.com/file/C4JN0sVBAwihQSK705n4MI/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1
✺ The idea is to create a semi-spatial interface for the protocol proposals to reduce a cognitive load from homogeneous text, identical pages, and proposals. Each protocol has to have a unique and identifiable page, color palette, etc while preserving project integrity.
✺ Humans remember things spatially (see Mind Palace). Websites are no different from architecture and the cities — every page has to have a unique character as a room or a building.
✺ Decentralized projects often rely on UI/UX patterns developed for web-2. We have to explore the patterns for a new web where wallets & governance mechanisms are part of every website.
✺ The project is not trying to be a safe solution and to-go place for everyone but tries to find new methods to analyze the protocols.
✺ [DONE] Add SWR Infinite to progressively load content
✺ [DONE] iOS like transitions on open
✺ [IN PROGRESS] Working Filters (by votes, proposals, participants), layout adjustments: masonry/normal
✺ [DONE] Fix layout (Add right Sidebar, design Header/Footer)
✺ [DONE] Individual Page for each DAO
✺ [DONE] DAO Page Cards transitions
✺ [DONE] Add Framer Motion + Stitches primitive Box component
✺ [CANCELED] Protocol details on Tile Hover
✺ [?] Right click on protocol to add to the Featured List
✺ [CANCELED] DAO Page View Preferences (List/Cards)
✺ [DONE] Change Boardroom logo on scroll down | 2 versions of the header (full&compact)
✺ [DONE] Fix scrolling issue
✺ [DONE] Add label 'voting options' to make it more clear for the user
✺ [DONE] Display Boardroom number of protocols on the main page
✺ [?] Most powerful voters on Data level of protocol (right-sidebar)
✺ [DONE] Most powerful voters on Data level of protocol (right-sidebar)
✺ [DONE] Voting trajectory for the proposals
✺ [?] Sidebar as Drag&Drop list
✺ [?] Use Supabase to build the protocol total votes changes graph
✺ [?] Instead of padding on a main element try to use two divs with backdrop transparency effect to create a paper-ish feeling on sidebar resize
✺ [IN PROGRESS] DAO Page Design
✺ [?] Working Search
✺ ...more to come