CloneBot is a telegram bot that allows you to copy folder/team drive to team drives. One of the main advantage of this bot is that you can host it to Heroku for free.
- Use server side copy
- Bypass the 750Gb a day limit thanks to Service accounts
- Duplicate team drive
- Copy public folders & files to team drives
- Host it to heroku
- Does not support files upload (only copy)
- You cannot copy the data to My Drive
Note : there are hidden features, check at the source code of the bot to find them 🙃
⚠ You need service accounts (sa) to use the bot
- Download the repo :
- Open the config.ini file (inside the telegram_gcloner folder) and fill the following values :
path_to_gclone =./gclone ⚠ Don't touch this
telegram_token = go to @BotFather and send /newbot to get one
user_ids = -1 = Your user id (go to @MissRose_bot and type /id to get your id) - If you want to authorize multiple users, add a comma between each ID (ex: 150654065,5897065)
group_ids = your telegram group ID (leave it blank if you don't want to add one). To get your group id, go to @MissRose_bot and type /id
gclone_para_override = leave this empty if you don't know how to use it
- Install python
- open CMD and cd to the folder containing the bot
- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- cd to the telegram_gcloner folder and run :
- Start your bot and you can copy your data !
- Team drive generator :
- Telegram channel :
- Telegram chat :
- wrenfairbank for the original python script
- smartass08 to adapt the scrip to heroku
- anymeofu for making the Direct Heroku deployable Version
- Zero-The-Kamisama to making me discover this amazing bot and the detailed instructions
- zorgof for the termux script