Music Machine is a Java server that plays music using a Spotify playlist, which contains a maximum of 5 tracks. A web frontend is provided which shows currently playing track and upcoming playlist.
Music Machine requires a Spotify Premium account to function.
During the playback of a song, anyone can use either a Android or iPhone client to vote for the next track to be added to the playlist. When the current song ends, the track with the most votes is added to the playlist. If the current playlist is less than 5 songs, the highest voted tracks are added in order to fill up the 5 slots.
Music Machine requires Java 6 JRE to be on the machine used for playback. A pre-built Java jar file is provided, so you don't need to build it yourself.
Download Java jar file
Open up a commandline in your OS of choice (cmd on Windows, on Mac, or xterm etc. on Linux)
Go to the directory where you downloaded the musicmachine.jar file
Type in the following, replacing [user] and [password] with your Spotify account username and password.
java -jar musicmachine-1_0.jar -u [user] -p [password]
It should start up and print out something like
Connected to '' Server started on [Music Machine URL]
Go to [Music Machine URL] in a web browser, ex.
You should see something like the screenshot shown below
All done
Install ANT
Open up a commandline in your OS of choice (cmd on Windows, on Mac, or xterm etc. on Linux)
Go to the directory where you downloaded the source code
Type in the following
ant jar
All done