A small menubar app for telling time in a different time zone.

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chronos is a small menubar app written in Swift to display a second clock on the macOS menubar. It provides at-a-glance access to the time in a timezone of your choosing.
With remote working becoming more frequent by the minute, it is more likely that you find yourself living and working in two different time zones. This brings a lot of challenges with it, one of which is keeping track of time in both of the time zones.
When you are working with servers or databases that are using a timestamp that does not align with the clock in your status bar, it can be quite difficult to ad-hoc calculate the right time to find what you are looking for.
The idea came up one day when I was looking for an entry in a database that should have arrived a couple of minutes ago, however nothing had arrived for the couple of hours (which would not be unusual). It took me a full 10 minutes to realise that I had been an hour off in my time conversion, and the logs I were looking for were the ones from hours ago.
That is why I decided to create this app - to have a second clock showing in the menubar so that I could have at-a-glance access to the time in a different time zone.
As this is just an OSS projects, the app is not signed which means macOS will complain when trying to open it. To open the application, right-click on the downloaded app and select open. This should allow you to open it. A simple double-click will not.